Hey, I’ve heard some men talking about hitting her in the Cervix during sex. Is this really a thing for you? And why? Wouldn’t it just be very painful or even injure her if someone would really do that?

  1. Painful is very likely. Things like OhNut can help if it is a recurring problem. Some women just have more “shallow” vaginas/lower cervix, which means you will bump it if you are over a certain length.

  2. It’s happened for me once, and didn’t cause any pain for her.

    More pleasure than anything. It wasn’t on purpose or anything, we were just having good sex and just ended up going deep enough to hit her cervix.

  3. It happens if we aren’t careful and it’s pretty uncomfortable for me. My last partner didn’t believe me until it happened. It broke the mood pretty quickly.

  4. Woman here – yes you can hit her cervix. Do you know the anatomy of the female reproductive system?

    The cervix is a soft structure that separates the uterus and the vaginal canal. The length depends on woman to woman – some can be long, some can be short.

    The cervix can hold in place a IUD strings, so if you’re ever feeling a string don’t pull on it.

    The cervix excretes discharge from the uterus, this helps the vagina self regulate its pH levels when it’s healthy. You can learn more about unhealthy pH levels in your own time and what that means for sexual health.

    Generally speaking, you won’t hit it.

  5. It has always been an issue, I haven’t had a partner where it didn’t happen. Some women hate it because it can be painful/uncomfortable others love it, just a roll of the dice. If she’s not into it, my current partner isn’t, then we work on not going as deep or using different positions. There are things like the ohnut, I think that’s how they spell it, that act like a bumper and don’t allow you to go as deep.

  6. You don’t want to hurt the girl, but I always feel a little sense of pride when she says, “Please back up a little.”

  7. It happens all the time. Just gotta avoid certain positions. Like pushing her legs way back will make it easier to hit.

    It hurts for both parties. Feels kinda sharp on the end of your dick. Most people try to avoid it.

  8. Yes, it has happened with me in the past. Some women like it. Most don’t. It’s all about arousal. Using an Ohnut bumper can help too.

  9. Ive hit and its never intentional. It can hurt the gal too. Or if they have an IUD it can be an issue. If it happens often with the same gal in a position,ill just refrain from that position

  10. It’s happened. She was saying to go deeper so I obliged and ended up bottoming out. She said “okay maybe not that deep” and we had a laugh about it. Seemed more like a bit uncomfortable for her more than extreme pain.

  11. I dated a girl who said I did. We couldn’t do certain positions because she’d say I would hit against her cervix and it sometimes caused her pain.

    I’m not the most gifted down there, but I apparently reach deep.

  12. I slept with a large guy he couldn’t help but hit my cervix. (sorry to be crude)
    I bleed everywhere. Poor guy. It was grossness. how embarrassing. I went to the doctors. to get myself checked out. Doctors Caught an aggressive stage cervical cancer. Before it spread to my other organs. it was At the exact Same time as jade goody. Uk reality celeb died 27yr old of cervical cancer. Thank u to the xl big dick. hitting my cervix.
    ur massive dick Saved my life..

    Please Fellas if is she bleeds make her get herself checked out. I’m sorry to add this seriousness to shagging story tales. but hey ho.

  13. Please check out r/bigdickproblems

    If you are hitting the cervix,there might be a small chance that you could benefit from this subreddit

  14. It’s not something most men go through but for our bro’s both blessed and cursed with the third leg, it’s not uncommon. Truth is the vagina has an average length (6-8 in?) it can elongate when a woman’s oven gets as hot as it’s gonna get and sometimes when a man’s dick length exceeds that, he can end up bottoming out which causes major pain for a lot of women, I’d even take it further and say most women.

    Despite all this, there’s been a few times where I moved my hips downwards and fell into something right above the cervix, no idea if it was part of it but I can’t find it anymore.

  15. It happened. And whenever it happened, it ruined everything. She was in pain and I felt guilty.

  16. Arousal makes a significant difference and where you are at with your monthly cycle can affect it too if you are with a partner whose size is in the proximity range of hitting the cervix, just FYI.

    I’ve had times in the past where it didn’t hurt. Completely different story with my current partner because of his size difference. Not pleasurable at all to get bumped.

  17. I felt an iud before. Not sure if it was in right then but nothing ill ever come from it

  18. Yea my ex in certain positions. Couldn’t go full speed.

    You want to know why it’s a thing? You’ll have to ask my parents lol.

    I inherited it.

  19. It does nothing for me, personally.

    And I’ve had women say they hate it, and others have said they loved it.

  20. I mean, the only time it’s really on purpose is when they are a masochist and make it very clear they want the Terry Crews in White Chicks treatment.

  21. I had a drunken one night stand during a bachelor party that ended with both of us covered in blood. So much blood. The bed was soaked. It splattered the walls even. It was dark so we couldn’t tell until the lights went on.

  22. That’s a great way to get me to orgasm. Also, the A spot is up there. I love it.

  23. It’s happened. I wasn’t intending to, but she seemed to like it, so it worked out, I guess?

    It’s not a ‘thing’ for me, though.

  24. Yeah, it can hurt a lot. When a woman gets really turned on, the cervix actually lifts and balloons a little bit, which gives you some more wiggle room. I’m on the shallower side, so I actually don’t mind it when a guy is smaller than average. That way he can go as hard as he wants and I don’t have to worry about being in pain.

  25. Jesus Christ, I hope no guy actually takes pleasure in doing this. It hurts so much. The cramping can be little to unbearable. It’s like getting a pap-smear, but instead it’s a dick jabbing you in the cervix. The initial jab feels like someone took a sharpened crowbar and rammed the flat inside of your lower abdomen.

    It hurts and can cause bleeding. The level of pain depends on the woman, but for me it’s like a 6.5/10. The pain startles me, because it’s unexpected and I shriek a little. Before getting my IUD, sometimes I would bleed a little or a lot during sex and sometimes it would cause my period. I didn’t think anything of it since it was normal for me. I was like that for a year and 1/2. I still have no idea what that was all about but ever since getting my IUD, bleeding during sex has stopped.

  26. Dont know dont feel it when i do. Im just trying random a stuff till i get her to moan. Dont mean for it to happen and i back off when she says it hurts.

  27. It really depends on the size, position and how turned on I am. It does happen yes and it hurts to the point where I can feel it right where my belly button is. Sometimes I can still feel it the next day. I don’t recommend going harder and faster immediately if your partner says “so deep” and ask first if it’s good or bad.

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