5 people dead so far including a father and son. How is it allowed to continue given the tragedies that happen so often? What do you all think about it?

Edit: Thank you for all the replies, I understand more now. R.I.P to all who have passed.

  1. I think that the riders fully know and are willing to accept the risk in the pursuit of something they love.

  2. Because everyone knows the risks and accepts them when they enter. It’s pure racing without the fanfare and media mess that accompanies more mainstream racing series’

    I’d love to do it, but my balls aren’t big enough.

    It’s potentially easier to understand if you also ride bikes.

  3. Should we ban all sports were deaths have/do occur? Participant’s of high risk sports such as motor bike racing etc know the risks they are signing up for.

  4. Same reason mountain climbing or horse riding or cocaine is popular.

    Presumably people enjoy the sense of excitement and go into it knowing that there is a risk involved.

  5. There are risks in so many things in life.
    Should the risks be highly advertised, publicised and educated to those involved? Yes. Same way we do with smoking etc
    Should we ban something people want to do that doesn’t harm others beyond themselves? Definitely not, never. It is a free country after all

  6. A very similar question was asked on here yesterday about the TT. As someone who grew up attending live motor sports of every kind most weekends I know why I find it so appealing to watch.

    The TT is popular because it takes unbelievable levels of skill and bravery to complete at the top level. It’s the absolute pinnacle of motor bike racing and it takes a very special skill set to even attempt to tackle this type of race.

    It’s all about the unique levels of performance required and the dangers contained in even attempting it. Some people scuba dive, others free dive. Some folks climb Ben Nevis, others go up Mt Everest. Some of us fly airplanes others wing walk. Some folks do circuit racing others will do road racing like the TT.

    There’s an incredibly small number of people capable of doing such dangerous things but a very large number of people willing to watch them risk doing it.

    In many similar ways American NASCAR and Indy car racing is equally dangerous. There are no runoff spaces and no sand traps to kill the speed when you get things wrong. In NASCAR if you out the car one inch in the wrong then you’re into a concrete wall.

    Nobody ever wants to see any racer injured but the risks are unfortunately part of what makes it so exciting to watch

  7. People die climbing Everest every year…should we close the mountain and make it a no go area

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