My bf is an amazing person and sometimes he does very surprising things which are like a fairytale to me….my past relationship was toxic af…i never knew i could meet such a person who would make me feel so special…when I met him I was terrified of relationships and all…. Now I’m so much at peace with him…some moments were actually like pure serenity with him that I didn’t want them to pass… everytime I’m with him it’s like the peace that I have craved forever (i have a very toxic family and relationship history)….he makes me feel so good that I feel like I’m the wrong person because a lot of times I have made him feel bad and taken for granted…and he constantly complains that I don’t appreciate his acts..

  1. What are his favorite meals? Can you cook?

    Bring me a medium rare rib eye, baked potato, spinach salad and a dark chocolate cake for desert (without prompting). Sit it down and say “thank you for being you.” I’ll likely propose on the spot.

  2. Tbh he would be the best person to tell you what would make him feel appreciated

    If it were me i’d like if you showed an interest in my interests and an enthusiasm to be around me and do stuff with me. Y’know just like generally made me feel loved.

  3. Small surprise demonstrations of affection. What those look like will depend on you and your relationship.

    When we were dating in college my girlfriend left a little love note on my car in the parking lot. She wrote a note, hunted my car down, left the note all without me knowing. It was an incredible surprise.

    We have been married 15 years. I still have that letter.

  4. It kinda depends on his love language. He might be more interested in praise than in actions or services, maybe it’s physical affection: not just sexual but even things like hugs, kisses or hand holding at certain moments.

  5. Pay attention to him, what’s going on in his life and what he likes. Then do little things for him based on that.


    > I have made him feel bad and taken for granted

    Reflect on things you have done or said that you know you shouldn’t have. Then next time you are about to do something you will regret, pause and gather yourself. Recognize that mood and try to cut it off before it happens next time.

  6. Buy him flowers!! Seriously. He might not be a flowers kind of guy, but he’ll appreciate it.

  7. How to show gratitude? Well, by thanking him for the nice things he does. By complimenting him for the things you like about him. By giving him spontaneous hugs, cuddles and kisses. Give him a massage. Just show that you appreciate him. Or maybe do some nice surprising things for him, just like he does for you.

  8. I was going to write up a different response, but:

    >he constantly complains that I don’t appreciate his acts..

    This, frankly, seems a bit weird and out-of-place. Can you expand on this? I get the impression from this line that not everything is quite as you described it.

  9. I smell something off here. He complains about you but he’s also an amazing person and is so nice to you?

    Especially in the context of the rough history, I don’t trust what I see. We need further clarification what’s going on here.

  10. Figure out his love languages and show him by doing those things.

    I like words of affirmation, physical touch and quality time.

    My wife likes words of affirmation, quality time and acts of service.

    Do you tell him how much you appreciate him and how much he means to you? Do you go out of your way to do things for him too? Do you make a point to spend time with him doing things he enjoys? Do you buy/make gifts for him? Do you give him loving touches? (Not just sex, but can include sexual things)

    If you’ve had nothing but bad relationships, you may not know how to express love. Honestly if you don’t learn amd try, your relationship likely won’t be healthy or last.

  11. Tell him you love him. That’s all I want. I can understand your situation. I was in a very abusive relationship. It takes an incredible woman to make me feel safe.

  12. Be his sex slave, let him piss n shit of you, and have him dip your head in dirty toilet water

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