If you could permanently erase one piece of knowledge or experience from your brain, what would it be?

  1. My daughter went through some pretty traumatic medical stuff when she was younger… if I could still have the acceptance and knowledge of her medical condition without having the memory of any of the early stuff, I’d be fine with that.

  2. When I got cheated on. My memory is amazing and I remember every conversation he had with the girls, the dates, their names and faces. I hate it.

  3. Every time someone commented on my body growing up. Whether it was my mom telling me to suck in my stomach, other kids parents commenting on the size of my chest, to be catcalled at age 11. I’m still battling the effects of these things now, and I’m 30.

  4. Having a badtrip (not knowing the concept back then) at the age of 18 and thus scarring my mental health forever with panic attacks, anxiety and OCD.

  5. Any time I went to the psychiatric hospital and the trauma that came from those stays

  6. Just cringe things I did or said to people I’ll never meet again. They won’t remember, they’ll never see me again, there’s no reason for me to remember them all and cringe every single time they come to mind.

  7. My first boyfriend. Honestly he did so much harm to how I look on my body and self, that my now man needed almost 2 yrs to remedy what a 2 month relationship has done. He was my first but it was so akward with him that sometimes my brain ehen it wants to punish me goes for that.

  8. I would give ANYTHING for this but I would give it to my twins. It would be the years my ex verbally and physivally assaulted me. The protection orders, the stalking, the chaos, the destruction. I tried to protect them like crazy but his chaos impacted them. And I live with the guilt.

  9. being raped and seeing my mom get abused and beat for years . / also anything sexual i exspirenced that wasnt with my current partner .

  10. I found out my coworker is transitioning to female-presenting by accident. (we work at a VERY conservative company and he’s not ready to be open with people at work about it) It feels wrong misgendering him blatantly, but he requested me do so.

    P.S.- he has told me to refer to him as he/him not she/her, though he is transitioning as such

  11. The abuse I suffered from 11-16 from my step dad. I am 33 this year and still that creeps up on me. I have dealt with it but still the odd time I get a nightmare about it happening again.

  12. Does the last year and a half count as an “experience”? If so, I’d like to completely erase my entire relationship with now ex. Loved and treated someone so well who turned around and cheated for 5+ months while he was living in my home. I’m almost two months post breakup and still have a hard time reconciling this. Moving forward is going to be a long road.

  13. There are a few guys I’ve met whom things didn’t turn out well and I felt like an idiot afterwards. I often wish I could forget them, and I chastise myself for still thinking of them. The heart is a tricky thing I guess. But if I could miraculously forget them, maybe bottle that memory somewhere for the future (say i remember in 10 years’ time when a lot of time has gone by), I’d take that option. It’s trivial in the scheme of the universe but sometimes feelings are difficult to deal with.

  14. Living in Finland, in my high single digits. With my mom at a sauna. Luckily not crowded at all. I had an upset stomach. Leaned against her. So comfy. The heat made me doze. The heat also relaxed me. A bit too much. Started awake to a noise and a horrible sensation under my butt with accompanying smell. Luckily I was sitting on a towel. Luckily we got it, and me, bundled and out of there without much fuss. I know it wasn’t my fault and I can actually kind of laugh about it now but it also still makes me cringe- especially when my mom tells the story to others.

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