My post was removed and I’m not sure why but I’ve tried to make my question in the title more questiony. (Mods please tell me if I’m still wrong because I really need the help)

I’m really struggling to find a football team to play in since moving to the UK. Back in NZ it was really easy, find a local club, email them and bang you’re in a team. I’ve been here for over 2 years now and I kinda put it on the back burner due to covid but now I’m really struggling not having a group of guys to play with.

I’m 32 now so the joints are starting to fail and I know I will no longer be the speedster i used to be on the pitch but I really want to get back into the 11 aside game again.

I’ve tried searching inline but it’s really confusing and the website I found that seemed to be quite good just bugs out at the submit form.

I guess this is just a cry for help to the UK in general to help me find some people.

I live in reading and I have played some games at goals 5 aside but the team I joined got kicked out because they were a bit rough and turned up half an hour late every game haha.

Anyway, I’m not sure this will gain traction but I just thought coming to the football motherland I would have no problem finding a team. Just feeling a little left out and isolated since leaving all my mates back home.

  1. What level do you want to play at? There are loads of amateur leagues (Saturday and Sunday) of various standards. If you look on your local football association website it will list all the affiliated leagues, you can then find one at an appropriate level and location for you. Many will have social media pages where you can post, or there will be clubs advertising for players. Remember the season has just finished, so teams won’t be fully active at the moment, they’ll be starting to recruit shortly.

    Edit, if you’re Reading, your local FA is Berks & Bucks

  2. If all else fails, I would physically go to any local pitches on a Saturday/Sunday and see if there are teams playing. You can check out the standard while you’re there and just ask someone how to get involved if you think you’re at the same level.

  3. I know it’s fairly easy to start / join 5 a side teams that usually play mid week in the evening….not exactly what you’re after but maybe a good place to start.

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