taken men of Reddit, do you like getting little notes from your s/o? if not what do you like getting from them that is sentimental to you?

  1. She leaves little notes for me….but not so often that I expect it. Getting in the car in the morning to go to work and see a note on your speedo….just starts the day off right. Back when she used to pack my lunch, she would write a note on the napkin. She also does this things where she bops me on the nose with her index finger. Will go out of her way to do it. Walked all the way across the yard while I was mowing the grass. I shut the mower down. She had something important to tell. She bopped me on the nose, giggled, and walked back. Indeed she did have something important to say. But overall, any action you do for them that demonstrates you are thinking of him, is a big deal. From time to time I will hide candy bars around the house for her to find. Sort of like a perpetual Easter egg hunt. Just the other day she texted me, “In my bathrobe?!?”

  2. Absolutely. Men are starved for compliments. Littles notes are amazing.

    On a side note, a close friend of mine did something similar for his lady friend. He basically wrote a whole month’s worth of tiny letters and stuffed it in a container for her to read one each day. It charmed the hell out of her so bad.

    Things didn’t work out between them because of the girl’s parents who wanted her to marry another man. But last I heard, the girl and her husband are having marital strife because the girl never quite got over my friend.

    So… when used wisely, yes these little notes can work very well

  3. “Remember to pay the credit card…..” dayummmm gurl. “Dinner is in the fridge”…. phwoaaarrr

    “Chicken, Salt, pepper, honey, soy..” wait this is a recipe

  4. “Remember to pay the credit card…..” dayummmm gurl. “Dinner is in the fridge”…. phwoaaarrr

    “Chicken, Salt, pepper, honey, soy..” wait this is a recipe

  5. I have a note my wife wrote me in 2014. We just moved half way across the country and I was a few weeks into a new job and stressing a bit.

    “Good morning Honey Bun! Have a kick ass day. Don’t forget that you are awesome and can handle anything that comes your way 🙂 It’ll be the weekend before you know it and we are going to have an amazing time. Love you”

    We never really exchanged notes or anything. After that I wrote her a few hoping it could become a thing but it never caught on, this is the one and only note she’s ever left me. To this day it is folded and I carry it in my wallet and I don’t think she knows that.

  6. Best answer I can think of is just to counter this question right back at ya.

    Why would men not like that?

  7. I usually leave them for her. I put them in her purse, in her car, on her lunch I pack. She is gone for 24 hours at a time and I know she appreciates them.

  8. I only ever loved it when I was in a relationship. Cute handwritten notes with drawings. It wasn’t even about how good the art looked or what the note said… it was just about seeing the personality of the woman I loved in her handwriting.

  9. My wife leaves me notes every once in a while and I love it.

    Anytime she does something extra/out of the ordinary for me makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

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