So I(28m) met her(26f) on tinder in 2019, we ended up clicking really well, after a bit more than a month I had already gotten feelings for her, she felt it was a bit too quick and didn’t reciprocate. I understood but I decided to cut contact, she understood. Fast forward 2022, we started talking again the first week of february, I didn’t hit her up with any thoughts of us dating or anything, just wanted to be friends cause I enjoyed her time.

We’ve hung out four times since then, once like the week after we started talking again and then three times in the same week, two weeks ago now. On the fourth “date” we spooned the entire night pretty much, we watched a movie, she fell asleep and she woke up after a while and we both went to sleep in her bed in our underwear. She ended up grinding her ass onto my crotch three times, and every time being when I had a boner. First time I thought she was just kind of wriggling around cause she was sleeping and just backed off, I didn’t want to do anything while she slept. Then it seemed obvious she clearly wasn’t sleeping and I grinded back, so we went at this for a while, me questioning if she was sleeping or not cause she said nothing and did nothing except grinding against me.

Ok, this seriously got me thinking, she has changed her mind, right? Completely valid for me to think this I hope.

So after this, she became a bit cold for a week, and I was confused, I asked if she wanted space but she said that was not the case. So we sporadically talked through this last week, not as much as before however. We set a date this week, however she had to cancel tonight cause of completely legit reasons and that I understand and wouldn’t question it BUT she didn’t even try to reschedule. I asked if she was available any other day this week but nope, not at all, not even pretending to think about it, just a simple nope sorry.

Now I’m fucking confused and kind of pissed off. Am I being a baby for being upset about this? Am I being lead on? Or is it just her still thinking this whole thing over?

I would very much want to have a relationship with this girl but feel like telling her how I feel AGAIN is maybe a bit much and could potentionally ruin IF there is still something going on between us.

TLDR: Cancelled our fifth date for legit reasons but made no effort to try and reschedule, I want to give her the benefit of the doubt but I feel like I’m being lead on and maybe even emotionally used.

  1. I dont think she’s interested in a relationship with you at all tbh i would back off and if she initiates conversation with you then go from there

  2. I really can’t tell you what her thought process is, but my advice to you going forward would be to tell her to let you know when she’s available to hang out again and not bring it up again unless she does. I’m not saying cut off communication, just don’t ask her out again, put the ball in her court and if she is interested she will follow up. Also you said you wanted to be friends with her, are you sure you can handle that, seems like any extended time you spend with her brings back your feelings?

  3. >Am I being a baby for being upset about this?

    I thought you said you just wanted to “be friends”?

  4. Grinds crotch 3 times. No response.

    And your are oblivious why she is cold towards you.
    You just rejected her sex proposal 3 times in a row.

    Now she probably feels not being attractive to you, or thinks that you are incapable or gay.

    Why the hell people, if hesitate, won’t open their mouths and ask?
    It’s so simple to avoid misunderstanding by TALKING to each others, you know?

    She also is amazing kind of person, getting cold and hiding why – just a typical inmature sulk.

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