What should me and my girlfriend do if every time we try to have sex i cant get it in we are both virgins and it is very frustrating for both of us

  1. Okay so she’s probably extremely nervous, so she’s likely tensing without realising. Vaginas relax when turned on in order to accommodate for a penis.

    I would recommend plenty of foreplay, definitely concentrate on her and what she likes. Stimulate her without entering her, if you can make her orgasm, even better. Go slow, take your time. Make turning her on part of the experience, make it fun, not a chore. I promise you if we feel you’re only giving us foreplay because you “have” to, we’ll be turned off. You should be able to feel if she gets “wet” by rubbing the entrance to her vagina. Is she wet? Awesome! Try inserting a finger and see how that goes.

    And lube is always handy.

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