We go to to the same college, so we’ve been able to see each other a lot over the last 5 months + we FaceTime every night.

I asked her out after 2 months. she said yes then changed her mind the same day saying it was too soon, and she said to wait 6 months.

We do everything together, so it’s getting ridiculous now not having a label, however i don’t want to ask her out again just for her to say to wait again.

We are also going to her home country together in August, so it would be pretty stupid for her not to introduce me as anything else.

But at the same time; today she was telling me “what am I gonna introduce you as? This is the guy I’ve been seeing for X months? “

TLDR: should I ask her out or wait for her to ask me out after telling me wait the first time?

Edit: the girls is (19F)

  1. Yes. A man shouldn’t bring up the conversation. It just comes across that she’s above you . First time a man should escalate the commitment is either buying a house together or popping the question.

  2. Cute way my guy asked me: “would it be ok if I called you my girlfriend because when I say “my name” people say “who is that?” – so sweet, I loved it! Maybe try that approach?

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