So my gf went to a party Saturday night and cheated on me. Two people confirmed it to me, one is a very old friend I have known for over 10 years and another is a coworker who also happened to be at that party. These two people dont know each other so there is a 100% chance that whatever they are saying is true. They saw my gf making out with a guy and then leaving with him. We have been together for 3 years but right now we are ldr because I am in a different state for the next 3 months. Now my gf doesnt know that I know of her cheating and I plan to keep it that way. And then in a day or two I will suddenly stop all contact and change my number and block her on everything. I will also make all my social media accounts private so she cant message me. What other advice you have for me Reddit?

  1. Nothing else. She’ll know why. She cheated. It’ll be the first thought that strikes her is you found out. She’ll wrack her brain how no way that’s why….but she’ll know deep down that’s why. She’ll lie awake at night wondering who was at the party. Who told you. What they tell you. Did they just see them kiss or…oh God, did they see us leave?

    She doesn’t deserve closure. Your closure is knowing she got none.

  2. Don’t change your number – it’s a hassle. Just block her number.

    I know you’re mad and hurt that she couldn’t wait 12 weeks and cheated. But maybe not ghosting would be more mature?

    “I heard about you and X. This is a huge betrayal of trust and I’m not interested in working things out. Please don’t contact me again.”

  3. OP, this is the ultimate check mate move. Please keep us updated and keep your head up. Also you dropped this 👑

  4. “I know what you did enjoy the rest of your life” then block and move on

  5. why ghost her instead of just breaking up with her? and why are you planning on not telling her you know she cheated? if you’re gonna end it, might as well tell her you know, break up, then immediately block.

  6. Why are you waiting a day or two to start the process? Why not just start right now?

    Have you talked to her at all since you’ve found out?

  7. Just ghost her now.

    Even if you want to drop a goodbye msg, don’t leave scope for explanation.

  8. If you have any mutual friends or she has contact information for your family tell them what’s going on so no one else worries that something happened to you considering you’re away from home for 12 weeks.

    Were you living together or does she have access to your permanent home? If you lived separately but she has a key then I’d arrange to have the locks changed first so she isn’t able to get in and go after any of your property.

  9. I have none because I think this is the best course of action. She’s not worth your grief, not worth the effort it would take to confront her, not worth anything to you anymore. So follow through with your plan.

  10. Just tell her you’re breaking up with her.

    Your feelings of betrayal are completely justified but ghosting should be reserved for situations where it’s unsafe to communicate or where there is no relationship.

    Her reaching out to your family and friends or contacting you with other phone numbers, trying to find out what’s going on isn’t going to make this breakup any easier on you.

  11. hehehe good for you.

    Block her on social media.. dont just go private. And remove her friends as well.

  12. Don’t ever give in to the urge to speak to her. She is a piece of garbage and you deserve better my man. Like others have said she doesn’t deserve closure. You are making the best decision here.

  13. Only advice is don’t change your number just leave her on seen or just block her.

  14. Block her on your phone but connect your iMessage to your computer. If you’re anything like me, you’ll want the satisfaction of blocking but still curious what she plans to say to you (just a thought)

  15. My inner petty supports your plan….

    But my higher self says- just communicate the reason. It doesn’t have to be more than a sentence. I’d still suggest all the blocking though.

  16. My only advice, is if she is able to contact you in some way to get messages you can read, read them or whatever but stay strong and never reply. If she is able to get any sort of response from you at least once, the whole planned failed.

  17. Make sure to tell work you won’t accept any personal calls there.

    Get the guys name (first name is fine) and send her one last message with that being the only thing on it.

    Have a locksmith change the keys to your place in her city (assuming you weren’t living together.)

    Tall all your friends she cheated on you (or post it on all her media accounts, better yet) and let them know you DO NOT want to receive any messages from her nor can they give out your new information.

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