Hello! So let’s get right to it. Every once in a while (not every time I have sex) but sometimes I tend to experience extremely painful stomach cramps after. I’m talking way worse than period cramps. Cramps so intense I am profusely sweating, and on the verge of blacking out. It happened again tonight and the pain was so bad i threw up. It’s happened to me on and off throughout my life and it’s super frustrating and embarrassing.

My periods are regular yet heavy with heavy cramps the first and second day and every few periods or so I get a really bad one but it’s random and few far and in between. What could be causing this??? I’m just trying to get railed but my body won’t allow it. Also weird question but is it possible to have a shallow vagina? Any tips advice or answers is appreciated???

  1. When did this start? Does it only happen after vaginal sex? What about if you masturbate? Have you had any abdominal surgeries? Have you gone to an OBGYN? Honestly I would just go to the doctor and let them look at you.

  2. I would definitely ask my doctor. I have had similar strong pain after sex or even after masturbating. For me pelvic floor exercises helped (went to see a physical therapist). But it can be many things so don’t take it lightly.

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