We don’t choose with whom we fall, but we do have a choice with whom we want to stay in love…

  1. We absolutely choose who we fall for. WTH are you talking about?

    You might want to divorce your brain from your glands and just blindly thrash about in the love zone, have at it pin.

    Or you can keep your brain engaged when in the sight of the opposite sex and not hurt yourself all the time.

  2. I have no idea šŸ™ when I think Iā€™ve found my personā€¦suddenly Iā€™m not theirs

  3. If we get to choose who we spend our time with indirectly we’re choosing who we’ll fall in love with.

    In hindsight the word “yes” is used quite a lot before there is a commitment.

    When they first met someone asked for their contact information and they said “yes”, someone suggested going out and they said yes, a move was made to kiss, another “yes”, eventually there was an option to have sex, “yes” was said again, multiple dates requests and multiple “yeses” and so forth.

    All of sudden when things fall apart, they say: “You can’t help who you fall in love with.”

    The word “no” used anywhere along the spectrum would have changed their futures.

    Nothing happens until you say “yes” to someone. Choose wisely.

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