As in do they ever talk to each other about doing dirty stuff to certain guys? Because I don’t think I’ve ever heard a woman openly sexualize a man although I have heard women call guys hot or attractive but thats it.

Whereas men sexualize women (both in their own groups and out in public) but I do wonder if women talk about dick together

Do they also perv on men like look at our bulges, asses, muscles, look a bit too long at certain shirtless men etc?

  1. I’d say people in general like to look at things they find arousing. And since, to my best knowledge, women are people, my best bet would be yes: they totally peep at bulges, and butts, and everything else there is to look at.

    And you wouldn’t believe the shit women talk about when we’re not around…

  2. Unless you have female friends who talk to you like this you wouldn’t.

    But yes some.of us do talk to one another about men, their bodies , their dicks, their bedroom skills etc.

  3. Granted… I’m a man. But I was the only male nurse that worked with about 60 nurses and aids and eventually you start to get a really good idea of how a lot of women are when not around men.

    I would have to say that women absolutely perv out! Some of the most graphic shit Iv ever heard was between ladies chatting in the nurses station.

  4. I can’t speak for all women, because there HAS to be women who do. But I and every other woman I know wouldn’t stare at a guy and tell our friends what we would want to do to them. The way admiration tends to go down is we see a cute guy, get a glimpse and look away, possibly telling friends to catch a glimpse and we’ll say smtg like ‘he’s got really wide shoulders, super cute’. We don’t tend to stare at bulges.

  5. I’ve found my female friends are more open to talk about the details of the sex they had compared to my male friends. Specially in the early 20s. Guys usually acknowledge/brag sex happened, but don’t get into much detail.

  6. Some do, obviously. We’re not a hive mind.

    One reason you don’t hear women openly sexualizing men as much is that we’re often criticized and/or harassed for doing so.

  7. I’ve overheard a lot of women talking very graphically about sex to one another and objectifying men, especially if they have a bottle of wine at the table.

  8. If I see a bulge, I am usually very uncomfortable. Especially if the guy is looking at me. Multiple sexual assaults make men more predators than an object of desire.

    But, a sweet guy that is sexy and seems safe? I will notice his voice and mannerisms. These can totally turn me on.

    Nice hands on a man can turn me on… I like smaller hands that could do a good job of fingering. Nice wrists too

  9. I am the only man in my department at work. Dear lord, some of the things I hear from of the women would make a sailor blush. Way more than I’ve ever talked about with my friends or other male coworkers.

  10. I sure do. I got caught checking out a dude today. Usually women are very stealth and sneaky but I stared into the sun a little too long.

  11. I do this with my sister all the time. We’ve catcalled men and complimented them out of nowhere. They usually seem to like it!

  12. I’m definitely a perv… I’ve “cat called” a guy before(is that even a thing)
    ..And don’t you dare let me catch you checking me out, cause I will publicly eye fuck the shit outa you😏
    I usually do try to keep lookin to a minimum if I don’t have my sunglasses on tho😅
    I can say I’ve never gotten a bad reaction when I let a guy know I was checking it all out… but I don’t do it to guys with women either…
    Also, my friends and I talk about sex pretty freely and we will make dirty jokes, when we think no one can hear

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