What was the biggest mistake in your life?

  1. Spending all that money for useless stuff. I bought a bed-frame for 5.500eur… Stupid me!

  2. Spending all that money for useless stuff. I bought a bed-frame for 5.500eur… Stupid me!

  3. Joining a gang and doing a bunch of other fucked up things that I’m not proud of.

  4. Work politics.

    Never ends well for me. People (make false allegations) and then HR is involved.

  5. Taking a stable job in retail instead of taking a short term, contract job doing what I went to college for. The job was temporary, but it would have given me the experience I needed to work somewhere else. I graduated 11 years ago and am still in retail because I don’t have the experience to get hired in what I studied.

  6. Not just getting a GED back before 2014 when it was still possible in BC.

    If I could tell my past self something not to fuck up it would have been to just drop out of highschool immediately to get that and then a job

  7. Breaking up with the best woman I was ever in a relationship with. To be fair I had no choice, as I wasn’t mature enough at the time to navigate the situation correctly and neither was she, but in hindsight it was a massive screw-up for both of us and it’s clear that she regrets it as much as I do. That’s life, though.

  8. Still contemplating if not pulling the trigger when I could was a mistake or not.

  9. There are no mistakes

    Without those experiences you wouldn’t know what you know today and wouldn’t be as wise as you are

    Its all part of your development

  10. I was loyal to the city that I was born in. My life there was crap. When I moved my life did a 180 and I became successful.

    Don’t stay in places where you are spinning your wheels, guys.

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