How to identify a man is falling in love or falling in lust?

  1. If he can wait a couple dates before having sex, and is still interesting to be around. Then he’s probably in love.

  2. Some dudes are pretty shallow and they don’t even know the difference. For a stand up guy I would say look if he is actually taking an interest in what she cares about, what makes her unique, and prioritizes her happiness even over his own at times.

  3. The greater majority of relationships begin as lust and then develop into love over time from shared experiences.

    The best relationships have both Love and Lust.

  4. Does he want to see you even when there’s little chance of having sex at that time? I mean, he COULD be playing the long game, but generally if he’s interested in hanging out without sex, especially out in public, for a good portion of the time, then it’s probably more than sex.

    BUt, you know, infatuation is still a thing. That’s the other option you didn’t consider and it could just as easily apply to you and you wouldn’t know it.

  5. If he rushes to sex it’s probably that…if he gets happy just being near you it’s probably love

  6. Welp, i think people change darling, i’ve heard this question before and didn’t have a response for my girl but she was mega insecure and i found someone who actually appreciates me, to elaborate further, i loved the girl for 2 years amd it hurt watching our relationship break and die but it needed to happen, we coudn’t see eye to eye on nearly anything anymore and we still remembered how we loved eachother and so the sex kept us together for much longer than it should have, i’m 20 and view relationships as about 90% romance and 10% fighting, i explained the numerous ways in which we were failing to communicate but neither of us could meet in the middle, my girl now knows how to have genuine fights where things are resolved and sure she’s a million descriptors to describe adorable and sexy but nothings hotter than intelligence and emotional maturity, my ex thought that she was more developed but she was just as lost if not more lost than me, there are so many patterns and consistent ratio’s in life but it’s the disruptions that give birth to beautiful transformations that can feel like crushing but once you take a step back from yourself you see just how incredible it really is, women can do that and it’s my best way of explaining the feeling of butterflies imo. I know that my thoughts are a little spiraled but i do feel strongly about most of what i wrote probably 90/10 lol

  7. The honeymoon phase of a relationship lasts 3-6 months (6 months in extreme circumstance) during this phase your brain is releasing TONS of amphetamines that literally makes you feel high.

    After 3-6 months your brain develops a resistance to those amphetamines and the world will become normal again. At this point you’ll find out if it’s lust/infatuation or something more.

  8. The way he touches and handles you during the foreplay and actual sex will let you know if it’s love or lust.

  9. Consistently do the bare minimum of taking care of your appearance (no make up, no jewelry, no extra skincare beyond soap and moisturizer), and wear baggy and drab clothing while still being your authentic self. If he still likes you and doesn’t change how he interacts with you, then it’s love.

  10. A man in love usually loves you in part because you make him feel loved. This means they have respect for themselves and will often put up with less mistreatment and will jump through less hoops… Because they will lose their love for you if they feel taken advantage of.

    A guy in lust will keep agreeing to more crap if they think it’ll get them into your pants. They don’t plan to stick around to keep paying the bill… So they’ll let it rack up.

    There is a third guy… The doormat. These are the guys with low self-esteem that feel the need to make you happy to feel good about themselves. They are usually not very mentally healthy or stable.

  11. Wait 2 or 3 days, If he starts acting a little calmer or less flirty then he’s had his mandatory solo rodeo and is thinking properly, if not then chances are he’s taken a fancy

  12. Availability. A man who loves you with be there for you even if you are just “sharing space” you don’t have to even be doing. Something together. Just near you can be enough.

    A man who lust will still be available, but the outcome of the interaction must have a clear benefit (not always sex). This is a crude and simple way to look at lust behavior and should only be a starting point of a conversation with the man.

  13. Lust is always present.

    Love takes time. 1st is lust, then its actually liking the person personality, then if everything goes good it turns to love.

    Give it 1.5 to 2 yrs before deciding anything serious. Thats how long puppylove lasts and when most couple break up or begin to see problems.

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