Edit: Stereotypically *American*

  1. A girl once gave me a compliment that I don’t smell like curry (Indian)

    She is now my girlfriend 🙂

    Edit: Oh shoot, I just saw the edit on the post. Gonna pass this off by saying it’s stereotypically American to cleanse oneself of silly cultural stereotypes, or something

  2. A German tourist lecturing a bartender over the superiority of the metric system.

    Edit: Specifically American – my buddy once spilled BBQ sauce on his revolver

  3. The stereotype that Asians serve white people less spicy food is very real in my area. My wife (Korean) has said that the dishes we get are significantly less spicy when I’m with her as opposed to when she’s with her coworkers or friends(who typically are also Asian). And I love spicy food, even spicier than my wife likes it, so it’s not like I can’t handle it.

  4. When my wife and I were visiting Sequoia national park in 2014 an entire bus of Asians showed up and each of them had a full sized camera around their neck and maybe a third were also carrying tripods.

  5. I was at a breakfast buffet and saw an obese child putting sausage gravy all over fresh fruit.

  6. An American family talking louder and louder (practically yelling) at someone in a foreign country when they didn’t understand English

  7. An 18yo soldier getting married over leave. In his defense he was already engaged they just pushed up actually getting the marriage license so they could get more income via BAH. Now for the sports car with a wildly high interest rate.

  8. The other day there were a family of fat tourists blocking the exit to a subway station in midtown in NYC as they tried to figure out where 5th Av was

  9. Probably big family picnic at the Hatch shell in Boston listening to patriotic songs from the Boston pops watching fireworks all for free.

  10. I once got rolled coal by a guy with a beefed up dodge ram and truck nutz. I laughed so much.

  11. Idk, but my brother unironically uses 3 in 1 shampoo and has a picture of him holding a fish on his tinder profile. I thought it was a joke 😔

  12. German tourists putting blankets over poolside chairs they then didn’t use for an hour, to “claim” them. Same ones that came to the front desk to complain that blankets were in their room but not on their bed, in August.

  13. There’s a gun store/shooting range in Orlando, Florida called “Machine Gun America.” I usually end up passing by it at least once everytime I’m on vacation there.

    It’s both the most American thing I’ve ever seen and the most Florida thing I’ve ever seen.

  14. My canadian nephew wearing a maple Leaf t shirt jumping up and down shouting “I love cold”

  15. Saw someone order a whiskey neat and Bud back at a southern dive bar with friends of mine from Germany.

    They thought that was pretty much like a movie scene.

    Spoiler: I ordered it

  16. I worked with a short, very muscular dude who drove a jacked up Ford F-250 to our office, and would park in the back lot to make sure nobody touched it. Crew haircut, always wore shirts too small for him. I don’t know how large or small his penis was

  17. The most stereotypically European thing I’ve ever seen was when my grandma’s friends were visiting from Europe. One of them, Dieter, was from Germany. He would heavily criticize every single thing that vaguely resembled ‘German’ aesthetic; mustards, cars, sausage, beer, dude always had some shit to give. He was just being funny and we were going back and forth giving each other shit.

    Most stereotypical American thing I’ve ever seen was a woman in her late 50’s going through the McDonald’s drive thru on her power scooter that was barely clinging to life.

  18. I worked at a pool. I heard commotion by the picnic tables so I went to investigate. I witness several black children throwing watermelon slices at each other.
    I just laughed and ensured they pick up all the pieces off the ground when they were done so the ants don’t come marching in.

  19. Last summer I went to a state park beach in the midwest with my family. Another family rolls up in their F250, sets up shop near us under their US flag canopy, starts playing the radio too loudly with things like Kid Rock & Toby Keith, they were all wearing american flag clothes of some sort or another, and each one of them was 50-150 lbs overweight.

  20. Hmmm in recent memory I’d say having to be behind the loudest, dirtiest, coal-rolling-est Ford truck barreling down the road… and watching it turn into a store called “Big Daddy Guns”

  21. Probably a 4th of July rodeo in Dyer, NV. Half Mexican Non-white Latinos, half white Americans. Had a potluck and everyone was setting off fireworks which may or may not have been illegal.

    Some people were also shooting off guns.

    That or the Bristol, RI 4th of July parade, oldest celebration in the country.

    Or me getting married on the 4th. They set off fireworks every year for my anniversary.

  22. I once went to a gun show on Friday, college football game on Saturday, and then saw a Blue Angels air show on sunday(could have been monday). This was in Florida of course.

  23. In the Mall in Santa Fe NM there is a gun store next to a new age crystal place lol

  24. Seen a lady here in Ireland who threw a huge temper tantrum in a Pub because they wouldn’t accept US dollars. She berated the poor girl working and told her “US dollars are good everywhere”, the bar manager told her to go and wipe her arse with them.

    Later in the evening we got talking to another woman from the US who witnessed the whole incident and I genuinely felt bad for her, she wouldn’t stop apologising even though we told her we know those are isolated incidents.

    Every country has to deal with their countrymens shit abroad. I’ve had the same embarrassment watching a group of Irish lads in Spain pissing in the street in the middle of the day in front of families, barely able to stand up from being so drunk.

  25. This one time I went to Boston, I was hearing some kind of commotion, so I peak over and I hear two men go:


    All back and forth too

  26. I grew up in a rural town where the thing high school kids would do is modify trucks to make them louder. I was at a party in the woods and any time someone new showed up they would rev the engine to show how loud it was and all the other gentlemen with currently parked trucks would run to their trucks and respond with revving the engine. This cycle happened more than 5 times that night. Eventually one person got carried away and caught their exhaust on fire. It was not clear at that moment if that was a was positive or negative in the social hierarchy of loud trucks.

  27. A very large truck blew his VERY loud horn two times as he passed me. It was so loud I thought it was something else. Like 1/4 mile later he did it again and that’s when I noticed he had a hornblasters.com bumper sticker. Driving around blowing your obnoxious horn as a pastime is just so unexpectedly stereotypically American.

  28. At a flea market in my area: a toddler walking around barefoot with a Jeff Gordon onesie. The toddler was drinking coca cola out of a sippy cup.

    I didn’t see their parents, but their grandma was right next to them. She was riding a rascal with an oxygen tank on the back. She would take the oxygen line off on occasion to take a drag from the cigarette she had lit.

    That was the most stereotypical American thing I’ve seen in my life.

  29. I was in Greece for a semester in college. This was in the spring of 2002, and we’d been encouraged to dress basically in grayscale so that we would be less likely to stand out as American.

    Apparently it worked. A friend and I were walking around the Plaka in Athens. A middle-aged and obviously American couple approached us and started almost shouting at us in awkward phrasebook German. Neither of us knew German and I said so. They were so relieved to find Americans who knew their way around, as they’d been lost for several hours.

    We had to explain to them that most Greeks know English, at least in Athens, and they could have easily gotten directions from any of the locals.

  30. was pulling into the grocery store parking lot when I saw a man about my dad’s age abandoning his shopping cart in the grass. he hopped into a large pickup truck and sped away. his license plate read “pro gunz.” I hate even writing this bc it sounds like peak made-up bullshit but I lived it

  31. Back in the late 00s when I was 17, my family (my parents, my 3 adult brothers, and I) wanted to go to to Las Vegas during my spring break. My parents let me bring a friend since I would be the only one too young to participate in standard Vegas activities.

    My mom thought it would be fun to set up a spa day for her, my friend, and me, so she booked us all massages and facials at the very nice day spa of the swanky hotel we were staying in. When we arrived to our appointment, they turned us away because they realized my friend and I were minors and minors aren’t allowed in day spas there because of the potential for nudity. So we went and shot AK-47s at a firing range instead where they gladly handed us whatever gun we wanted.

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