I don’t know if I should still be with him bc he constantly makes promises he doesn’t/can’t fulfill and I am so disappointed every time. He told me he feels pressured because he feels like I might get bored so he says stuff just to cover his ass. I never pressured him to provide anything for me. We’ve been dating for half a year now. I don’t know if I should feel comfortable being with someone like him.

I’m hesitant on breaking up with him bc I invested around $1,500 on a crypto game he asked me to invest & his brother would be the one to manage the accounts and split the gains but I received 0 gains since I invested (January 2022). He told me that it’s a game and I’d earn around 18~20usd everyday in the beginning but told me the crypto isn’t doing well rn)

Tl:dr bf is a liar and might be a scammer idk if I should continue the relationship with him

  1. Get out asap, little lies will definitely end up snowballing into bigger ones and it’s bad news

  2. He’ll always lie and if he’s a scammer, one day one of his scams could involve you. Why would you want to stay?

  3. Omg, get your money back, at least. Don’t mix romance and finance unless you are M-A-R-R-I-E-D!!

  4. My ex used to do this, lie a lot and about every damn thing you could think of. Even unecessary things. Pathological liar. Save yourself, leave. It will turn toxic

  5. you should consider that money gone and learn a lesson for the future. Break up.

  6. So yeah if the game is abandoned your money is now tied up in useless nfts im guessing and he is never ever going to find a buyer for nfts for an abandoned game. That money is gone, and in January of 2022 everyone in crypto knew damn well that nft games were a huge risk. He scammed you and im sorry but you’re more likely to get that money back in small claims than by staying and hope he feels bad enough some day to pay you back.

  7. Consider that money lost, because you were scammed out of it. A few months ago you mentioned that your bf’s brother is unemployed and not willing to work, so your bf is supporting both him and their mother. And now he’s lying to you and guilt-tripping you?

    >I never pressured him to provide anything for me.

    Making yourself small is a mistake. In a relationship, you should be treated with love and respect and you shouldn’t (be made to) feel guilty or selfish for wanting it. Get out and consider this a very expensive lesson learned.

    >It would be so easy if money wasn’t involved & the time we spent together

    The alternative is wasting more money and more time. Which sounds more appealing to you?

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