What’s the best thing to say when your friends say the usual I fkd ur mum jokes or ur sister is hot af?

  1. Tell them you know you watched from the closet and they have a nice dick.

  2. I dont think u gotta say anything to such a “friend” who talks shit about ur mom or sis

    Silent 👊 and all convos over w him for a lifetime

  3. “Better hurry up. I’ve already been seeing yours, and things are getting serious.”

  4. I had sex with your dad last night. He asked me to because he wanted to have an affair, and divorce your mom to get away from you both.

    Oh, he also said it was the best sex he ever had.

  5. I guess I assumed this had largely fallen out of fashion. That stuff is so dumb thst I can’t imagine reacting to it with anything more than a sigh that my friends are so creatively bereft.

  6. Not much, unless you’re willing to be edgy.
    “Yeah, I thought so too, hope you like my sloppy seconds.”

    “Well it’s good ya like her, she was moaning your name in bed yesterday.”

  7. Say nothing and instead fuck their mom in front of their dad. Assert dominance.

  8. These jokes are older than you are and you have to ask reddit for a comeback? At some point you just have to accept that you’re never going to be good at banter.

  9. Can you at least make my mom/dad cum next time, they are mean in the morning after a pathetic sexual experience

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