So I’m 25f, and I genuinely have no friends. I suspect it’s because I seem unapproachable due to really bad RBF, but I’m also pretty introverted and don’t really speak up a lot. At my current job, I’ve really been trying to spark up conversations and form relationships, but when I try to invite people out they find an excuse to not go. It really sucks, and I see people all over social media and stuff with their best friends and going out in groups, and it makes me feel really lonely because I don’t have anyone at all. Ive tried bumble bff and Facebook groups but nothing seems to actually happen.
Another weird thing is I’ve never had trouble forming romantic relationships, but when it comes to platonic girl friends, I can’t seem to find anyone that I can connect and form a bond with. Are there any tips? I’ve been told I’m intimidating so I try to make it so I maybe look more friendly, but it’s really difficult to keep that up because my face just naturally rests a certain way.

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