My boyfriend and I used condoms every time we had sex for the first couple months. Sometimes he would pull out and my vagina had white stuff leaking out and we freaked out, thought it was cum, and I had to take plan B.

I was masturbating two nights ago and put a vibrator inside me and one on my clit. I was pumping the one inside me while holding the other one. When I pulled it out after squirting there was the same white stuff from sex. I squirted again after and when I looked it was just clear, no white stuff. It’s not discharge, my discharge is a completely different consistency. Can vaginas create “cum” from penetration?

  1. Sexual arousal stimulates an increase in blood flow to the genitals. The blood vessels expand to accommodate the elevated blood supply.

    In females, this causes swelling in the labia, clitoris, and the tissues lining the vagina. Also, glands in the vagina secrete a clear, watery fluid that helps lubricate the vagina during sex.

    The presence of this arousal fluid may make vaginal discharge more noticeable. The discharge may become thicker and have a clear or milky white appearance.

    This type of vaginal discharge is normal and does not indicate an underlying medical condition. However, if thicker discharge has a foul smell, it can indicate a health problem.

  2. Yes, some vaginas produce “cum”. Also referred to as creaming. It happens to me.

  3. This is called cervical mucus. Would highly recommend reading up on it and how it changes depending on where you’re at in your cycle.

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