I (21) met this girl (22) online a while ago. We have been to talking for 2-3 months now but only on video calls. We’ve never met in real since she had to move to another country for 3 months. Things were going well. It was her birthday was a week ago so I sent her a gift which included a teddy and a some chocolates through an online gift service in the country she is currently in. She stopped talking to me thereafter and now says it was kind of creepy. I don’t understand what does this mean or what should I do.

Thank You in advance.

  1. Honestly I don’t understand either. What you gave her is completely normal and not creepy at all. She just sounds ungrateful but the problem isn’t you or what you gave her

  2. Do you know her address or work location? If you don’t, that’s a little creepy, fam.

  3. I’ve never understood why some people think its okay to give a grown adult a child’s toy as a romantic gift, and then on top of that give them candy. I’m not giving someone a gift if I haven’t even met them before.

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