Found a girl on tinder (followed her on Instagram) and she seemed pretty cool. Extremely attractive and had a few similar interests. Problem is I’d say I’m slightly above average with still a little baby face at age 19. So how the heck do I start talking to her when I feel intimidated?

  1. “Leagues” are more of a guideline than a rule. Attractiveness is subjective, and there are so many elements that go into compatibility that are beyond looks or other surface level things. Shoot your shot and talk to her like you would any other woman.

  2. No such thing as leagues. There is chemistry or there isn’t. Don’t put yourself down.

  3. I often match with guys that are way out of my „league“ but they don’t seem to mind, so I won’t care about it either. 😀

  4. As long as you put her above you just because of the looks that she was born with, and put her on a pedestal, that is off-putting and annoying. Not attractive to girls. Change your mindsets, it will change your body language too.

  5. The truth is online would be hard for you

    If you were to see her in person that would be much easier because you just need to act indifferent

  6. Your problem only exists in your head…so, i guess you gotta change the way you see it, come to your senses a bit….and then talk to that girl/treat her like literally any other person. Just stop looking at her as somewhat better or above you…she’s just a girl that you happen to like so you gotta go for it. That’s it. Good luck!

  7. I my experience you don’t talk to her because you think she’s not gonna be interested in you.

  8. Just look at that picture of fat nick with his lil girlfriend and be inspired

  9. To be brutally honest men outnumber women by 4 to 1 online, and its actually a lot more common for women to get with men out of their league on there. Most likely she isn’t going to respond to your message. The best opener on tinder is say something funny related to something on her profile. Good luck!

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