Men of Reddit, has a woman who once rejected you ever shown interest in you later in life? How did it go?

  1. Yeah. It went well. The only reason she rejected me the first time was her marriage. She got divorced a couple years later, and we dated about 2 years.

  2. Yes, she was divorced but I had moved out of state. Little bit is sexting and calls (middle of Covid) but called it off after a bit.

  3. Oh yeah that happens a LOT as you get older. Maybe you haven’t seen them for 10-15 years. Usually they just got divorced and “you look great wanna hang out”. I’ve never really responded.

  4. Yeah, I put on 40 lbs of muscle and saw her sister at the gym one time. Needless to say I wasn’t interested in her this time around.

  5. Yes. In college a friend of my sister shot me down. Post college 10 years later I was doing very well for myself financially and I go over to my sisters for a birthday party. The friend is there except now she’s fat with 4 kids and looking for another man. She asked if im doing anything later and I just laughed and said not with you.

  6. I was a shy 16-17 year old and very insecure. This girlfriend broke my heart. Few years later we were both refugees in this European capital and now I was 23, tall, good looking, confident, and had very few fucks to give in my life about anything or anyone. I met her again in this club where I used to go to pick up girls and we ended up hooking up. She thought we were “together “ and it was painful getting through to her that I genuinely didn’t give a fuck any more.

  7. I used to have an unrequited obsession with a classmate and she eventually confronted me over how unhealthy and inappropriate my obsession was after she’d already politely rejected me.

    Several years later: she and I were at a bar we both hung out at in winter and she started leaning on my shoulder, holding my arm and looking up at me like she expected something. Based on our past interactions and the fact that she seemed to be intoxicated I made a point not to reciprocate.

  8. No, probably because I moved around and social media didn’t really exist to this extent.

  9. Only happened once. In college she was was of the many, many rejections. Saw her at a wedding of another friend. I fuckin HATE weddings. The classic had kids with the pot head dead beat from college who never graduated or amounted to anything and now wants a cash cow to take care of her and her kids.

    I’m actually stable, have a lucrative career etc etc. She tried to give me her number and I straight up turned it down. She was PISSED.

  10. Girl rejected me, came back around after a year of me dropping 30lbs, asked me out. I said no and the reason wasn’t for revenge. She just didn’t seem genuine at all and my gut was telling me something was off about her.

  11. Yes. Two women who refused to date me in college and treated me like shit tried to pursue me once I became successful. At the time, one was divorced and one was “done with her ‘fun’ phase and looking for something serious.” I just told both I was not interested, which was true.

  12. No but it happened to me with a woman. She liked me a lot. Told me. I turned her down. She started dating someone and I realized I made a mistake. She wouldn’t come back.

    I wanted sex mostly but seeing her with someone else made me realize I fucked up

  13. Yeah at my highschool reunion. I wasn’t interested, and got called gay, which happened in highschool when I didn’t show interest in dating a girl then.

  14. Ohhh you bet. Hooked up with a chick in high school at a party. We end up messing around for a couple of weeks. Out of the blue she says she needs a relationship with more “substance” so she is dropping me in favor of a senior with a car. (We were both in freshman year)

    Fast forward nearly 15 years in 2000, and we are planning a friend’s bachelor party. Me and two friends are running around picking up things for the party, and we hit an adult store looking for gag gifts and guess who is behind the counter getting ready to clock out. You guessed it.

    We exchanged numbers and after chatting back and forth she made it quite obvious she’d be up for “giving me that shot”. Can’t say I didn’t get pleasure from telling her thanks, but I wasn’t interested.

  15. Yes, actually my wife. In high school she came to me and then rejected me cause of her abusive ex she couldn’t stop going back to. But after I got out of the army she came back to me and we ended getting married. It’s been great

  16. She didn’t reject me exactly, she liked me too but took 6 months to make up her mind on what she wanted, only to tell me she didn’t want to do anything.

    Fast-forward a year later, I am dating a girl I really love and haven’t spoken to her for a year, we end up taking a class together at uni, I ignore her and we have no contact. All was good until after the semester was over she started texting me (while I was on holidays with my gf) to tell me how she was sorry and the usual stuff. I didn’t even bother opening the messages. It is always better to completely cut off toxic people.

  17. No.

    I moved away, have never gone REMOTELY NEAR the place since then, and consider myself EXTREMELY fortunate to have never seen hide nor hair of them since then.

  18. Lol well..

    After rejecting him repeatedly and putting him in the friend zone, I realized my mistake and that I was an idiot. Then he put me in the friend zone and I had to claw my way out.

    11 years and 2 kids later so I think it turned out well.

  19. I won’t say rejected, but I will say wanted to be friends. We “dated” in middle school and were friends all through high school. During college we reconnected and she finally decided I was a love interest. We’re married now.

  20. I was a teenager working a retail store and there was a cute girl that talked to me.

    I clumsily asked her out and got rejected since she already had a boyfriend.

    I bumped into her 30 years later, she had not aged well and I was happily married.

  21. Yes, but never too directly.

    There were quite a few women that rejected me, some very respectful, others not that really, depending on how you interpreted their rejection.

    Quite few of those, still make prolonged eye contact with me when they see me, they smile, and do all sorts of inexplicable shit. It’s painful to see really. This doesn’t mean that they are suddenly interested of course, but I wouldn’t really know, why you would check out someone you rejected in the first place.

    See the question is, how you dealt with their rejection. Never question a rejection, never make a fool of yourself. Simply comply, and go about your way. You literally have 0 reason to stick around. Even if she rejected you to ‘test’ you, would you really want to be with someone that’s playing games, and not being sincere?

    Simply move on, and prepare yourself for the next opportunity with someone else. If she directly approaches you after she has rejected you, treat her like a human being, do not mention prior events such as rejection, do not be petty, do not be vengeful or spiteful.

    If she doesn’t directly approach you, but instead makes those weird indirect moves, the ones I mentioned above, do nothing. Keep your self-respect.

    The ball is in her court now.

  22. Yeah all the time. When I was 17, I was a dork with bad hair, bad skin, and a poor sense of style. I also didn’t shower enough… fast forward to being 19-20, I got pretty hot. Turns out, self care goes a long way.

    Edit: a couple girls got crazy obsessive over time, especially when I formed a beautiful relationship with a beautiful girls… oh well, sucks to suck.

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