He wants me to play with them. I had a go sucking and licking which he liked but I don’t like stabbing in the dark and while I can read his face it’s nice to know what to do. So…. Men…….. What feels good on the sack?

  1. Gentle pulling or massaging of my balls feels nice, teasing them with light or gentle touches and running your fingers across them, just kinda depends lol

  2. Everyone is different – the first time I had them sucked, she basically vacuumed them into her mouth and it hurt.

    Since then, I do enjoy having them touched/massaged and lightly licked during a blowjob – she’ll just kind of run her tongue from them to the bottom of my cock, then up to the tip, then blowjob as normal. Feels really good incorporating them, actually, they’re just not something to overdo imo.

  3. It might be helpful to know, that the scrotum is homologous to the labia (i.e., they develop from the same tissue). So as a rough estimate, you can assume that the kind of touch that feels good on the labia also feels good on the scrotum. That being said, everyone likes different things and balls include the testicles, too. The best advice I can give you is to ask your partner how he wants you to touch him.

  4. Boil ’em, mash ’em, stick ’em in a stew. No wait…

    Rub ’em, suck ’em, stick ’em in your mouth. Or something.

  5. Ok personally I like a bit of fondling right behind. It’s an area that you wouldn’t want someone to touch normally but kind of open up during sex. For the balls themselves just maybe run your hand on them gently and see how much pressure he’s looking for. He’s probably be not looking for C&B torture

  6. Gently rubbing the inside of you palm back and forth on them. Tonguing is great. But sometimes the best thing is just firmly (but gently) cupping them if your finishing him off with your hands. Balls get denied too much of the time!

  7. Put one in your mouth and suck it a bit, then alternate between sucking and locking whilst working the shaft.
    Lick at the join between sack and shaft too

  8. I love it when right before I cum, my partner “coaxes” me by running her hand in a motion that encourages my cum to come out of me, starting at the bottom of my scrotum, and stroking upward toward the middle of my sac. It makes the orgasm quite a bit more intense for me…

  9. When I’m doggy style, fondle them. They’re easily reachable and it feels so good

  10. My fwb loves it when I worship them. Like cock and balls on my face and I just go at it. Licking, sucking (gently), rubbing them on my face.

  11. Gentle pullin, grabbing, licking, kissin it. Some guys even like the gooch rubbed as you’re “down there”. Ask him, adapt to him

  12. Gentle sucking feels amazing but be careful. I keep them smooth so there’s no issues with hair. I recommend that to anyone. Feels amazing and you’ll never go back

  13. I am sure many men have a preference but mine can be completely ignored and I would be fine with it.

  14. Whatever you do be gentle. I like when my gf puts them both in her mouth, sucks on them a little bit, licks them, gets everything super wet and just tongue juggles them really. Don’t use teeth!

  15. It’s context specific. If we’re at the store, just ignore them. If we’re fucking, do whatever tou want. If we’re about to spar, bow respectfully but never take your eyes off them.

  16. Bro just ask him. Balls are like a polarizing spot. Some men have asked me to squeeze and pull them, some want them licked, some don’t even like you to make direct eye contact with them.

    I don’t touch them unless requested and then I ask for details.

  17. Man this is easy shit. R/sex really seems to be lacking in quality. Like is there another sub that isn’t so amateur?? Sorry for the other commenters OP.

    So anyhow sensation was the ball sack skin is pretty tough. Similar to the elbow. It’s function is temperature regulation. Keep that in mind. If it’s hot they descend, if it’s cold they retract. Typically the closer he is to coming they ascend and might “disappear” lol. BUT THE BALLS ARE SENSITIVE. Do play with the skin, no the balls. Be very aware of that. Sucking a ball into your mouth can really feel like a punch.

    Moving on to providing pleasure. So, to keep things simple let’s break it down into two different sexual contexts.

    The first being comfort. There is nothing quite akin to your woman gently caressing your balls in a loving context. THIS IS NO IMPLICITLY SEXUAL. Think of it more from grooming aspect. His balls are uncomfy, nothing is quite perfect, and you can fix that with your mouth. Just some light licking, attention, and literally lightly blowing on them feels AMAZING. Maybe add an ice cube. It should be super minimal tbh. Just spread his legs and go for it. Again, not even sexual. It’s just ideal physiologically for the balls and it is extremely pleasurable in the sense that you are providing relief. Omg when a girl does this it totally bonds me with her. Very intimate. Just make him as comfy as you can with your mouth. In terms of coverage is stay away from the penis and go ass low as your comfortable with. I personally like the “lower base” to be lightly tongued flicked at. Total heaven

    Sexually, if you want to please him ball centrically it’s pretty basic. One or two hands on the shaft stroking slowly, and consistently, head UNDERNEATH the balls, and you work your way up slowly, then reset to back under. If you want to go advanced start pressing under the sack with a thumb with some light even pressure and see how he responds. You might get his cock really drooling if you can engage it

    This is how you’re going to fuck up. You play with his actual balls. They are there, it’s tempting I know, but treat them like the thinnest eggshells. With that in mind I like it when a bad bitch know this, vacuums a ball into her mouth and can induce the fear of god in me with some light pain and an evil smile. I’m not a man who has fear, but the utter powerlessness really ignites a different kind of fire in me. It’s good to feel a need for mercy. That’s a lil advanced n required a dash of sadistic traits to pull off. Like I need to know she’s absolutely fucking careless and would do something stupid like clamp down as an afterthought or to see what would happen lol

  18. I love balls. I love sucking them, gargling them, licking them, kissing them, tugging them, resting on my face, slapping my chin and I love the goo that they produce.
    My partner loves them being played with too.

    Starting off gentle is the way to go. Some kissing, a tongue between them, light suction, then once he gets used to it, suck a little harder, give them a tug. He will soon tell you what feels good and what doesn’t.

    I usually play with my partners balls in the shower, because that’s when they’re the loosest and look the best. Get him to soap you up first, then return the favour and give balls a wash. Then give them a taste test.

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