(my english isnt my first language so sorry for bad grammer and spelling)
I am not going to mention my age or gender for personal reasons
I was never pretty or smart in my family no one ever told me that they hate it and never showed that they hate me but i just have this gut feeling that everybody does, in school when its hard for me to answer a question teachers would comfort me and tell me its okay, and my classmates always told me that im really pretty and funny and they all love hanging out with me,
Im kind of chubby, but my mom always tell me im pretty and im her favorite child (i have 5siblings including me) everyone is kind to me, everyone loves me
But why do i have this feeling?
I hope this made sense

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  2. You are idle in your life. As long as you are idle, you will keep thinking about others when they aren’t even around you. The more you think people hate you, the more you will give off those vibes to people. People notice the way you carry yourself. Your verbal and nonverbal actions tend to show how you feel. If you keep believing people hate you, people will stop associating with you. Remember people gravitate towards somebody with self confidence and self esteem, who brings positive vibes, not negative vibes.

    Now is the time to learn how to be genuinely busy in your life pursuing your goals and hobbies, while interacting with people on the side. People are hardwired to be repulsed by neediness and desperation and instead gravitate towards those who are self confident and well rounded in life. Easiest way to get started is to find something you enjoy doing and keep doing ot overtime. You will build self esteem and self confidence. People want to see active confirmation of you actually doing something in your life other than just talking to them. So chase excellence, not people.

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