In the U.K. we rivalries between counties, cities and countries, which usually stem from either historic conflicts (e.g. Yorkshire/Lancashire from the war of the roses) and then these rivalries are perpetuated through politics or sport today. Are there any really famous hatreds between states that have pretty serious roots?

  1. Our rivalries are much less serious, usually revolving around football as far as I can tell.

  2. I mean Michigan-Ohio famously has its roots in a territorial conflict from the early 1800’s.

  3. The only real internal fight America has had is the civil war. And there’s certainly a subset of the population that still hangs on to what side their state was on that effects local politics. Unfortunately that can get rather ugly given the extent slavery and its elimination was a major aspect of that war.

    We do have sports teams rivalries that are long-standing. Some of them have some minor and possibly posthoc historical justification (As an example the Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees are famous rivals, nominally stemming from an sale of a player from the Sox to the Yankees after which the Sox didn’t win a world series for like 8 decades). But they’re little things and not country of state-wide conflict historical events.

  4. California vs Texas

    But in reality, not really. All of the rivalries are between sports franchises

  5. The Civil War left some open wounds for some. I would say between regions mostly as opposed to state vs state. South tends to not like other regions as much, especially the NE and West Coast. I live in the NE and some tend to dislike the South and West Coast as well. A lot of people in Texas dislike others. I’d say it ranges from people who don’t care at all to people who never want to leave their state and think they’re better than everyone else. 😅 But actual rivalries are more a sports thing I suppose which can pit schools against each other and cities more than entire states.

  6. Most rivalries between states have to do with sports or food (e.g. barbecue), though the rivalry between Michigan and Ohio goes back to a spat over a piece of land called the Toledo Strip. Ohio got the land because it was a state at the time (while Michigan was still a territory) and Michigan got the Upper Peninsula as compensation, which screwed over Wisconsin because the UP was originally part of Wisconsin territory and there turned out to be large deposits of copper in the part that was given to Michigan. The Toledo War wasn’t much of a war; the only casualty was a deputy sheriff who got stabbed with a penknife. I am very familiar with this story and rivalry since I live in the formerly disputed area.

  7. North and south fought the civil war, and it comes up from time to time. Not usually in a nasty way, more like “this is why we should’ve seceded” and “the south lost the way relax”. A lot of people in the south still fly the stars and bars.

    Other than that it’s just sports.

  8. Sports rivalry

    The largest is Mostly pro and college football, basketball or hockey.

  9. Yeah plenty of rivalries, as well as intra-state rivalries where people from different parts of the state hate each other. A lot of them are based on, or at least nowadays oriented around, college football, at least in the south lol.

  10. search the sub, you’ll find all ten thousand of them posted again and again

  11. South Carolinians HATE Ohio. Mostly because so many Ohioans come to our beaches for vacation (Myrtle Beach, Hilton Head) to the point where you’ll find more people from Ohio than locals. Or some people just hate (THE) Ohio State University fans because they view them as obnoxious or hold a grudge over OSU’s head coach punching a Clemson player in 1978. Us Clemson fans are petty

  12. Wisconsin is full of drunken louts which is why we beat them in football nearly half the time

  13. Massachusetts and New York.

    Speaking as a born Masshole myself, they have a pretty old rivalry that stems partly from baseball (New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox are one of the oldest rivalries in U.S. sports) but it’s also just a kind of general rivalry between two relatively close major cities. One traditionally seen as the more working class kind of city (Boston) and the other seen as the wealthy more upper class kind of city (New York).

    It’s serious in that the diehards will get into bar fights over it on occasion, but no it doesn’t originate from any serious historical conflict or anything.

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