Since a couple of months ago or so we are having news about people falling into cryto-cults and families fighting to get awareness and for the government to do something about the situation

A crypto-cult is basically a cult (think of the religious ones) where they try to isolate people from their families and friends, they ask for plenty of money from the victim, but instead of salvation or aliens coming in their space ship they promise plenty of money thanks to the power of the cryptocurrencies mixed with the ponzi scheme

People usually leave their studies and jobs to join these crypto-cults and end up ruined

1 comment
  1. I would classify almost all cryptocurrency projects as cultish.

    I work in IT security and cryptography and got invited to speak at some cryptocurrency conferences before Corona hit and all of them had a cultish vibe.

    But nowadays there are also TV advertisements for crypto sites targeting non-tech bros.

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