7 months in which we spent maybe 2.5 months together and the rest at a distance + talked daily!!

I thought I couldn’t bridge the gap and make a bold decision to move to her country and I didn’t really liked the idea of her moving here because she wouldn’t really fit in, I know she doesn’t really like it…So I’ve told her that i want to be more casual about our relationship and I’m not that madly in love to make such a commitment.

Now she is just accusing me of failing to grow up and says everything’s okay.. I’m just scared. But I’m not, I really don’t love her as much as she does and I have been dating other girls. Despite telling her all this she still wants to fly to me and come over for a few days “just to say goodbye properly”.

…I’m thinking it’s a pretty desperate gesture, is she really gonna try to convince me that i am actually in love but too “confused” to make a decision? Should I just go her way and tell her all this in person too, will that make it easier for her? Her flight is in 48h…

1 comment
  1. At this point you need to be firm and end it officially. Don’t drag this out. You want casual and she is extremely serious about the relationship this can never work. Tell her it’s over and cut contact before she gets on a plane and ruins her life or makes things very very difficult for you.

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