So like I’ve never had anyone cum in me before until my recent boyfriend but I’ve started to notice that I feel like throwing up really bad about 2 mins after. Does anyone know why and how to fix the problem? I know it’s kinda weird but I can’t seem to find anything online

Edit: thank you for your responses! I’m going to the doctor soon so I’ll ask her professional advice. I’m hoping I’m really not allergic like some of you are saying because that would be tragic. I also don’t think it’s Trauma but who knows I could be wrong

  1. That’s because this isn’t a thing. But your mind can do many things to your body when you subconsciously choose to.

    This probably comes from some type of fear, gulit, or concern.

  2. Subconsciously, I think that you don’t want him to cum in you. Either worried about pregnancy, or some other factor.

  3. This may trigger something, but it may help. Have you have trauma in the past with regard to sexual interactions? If so, they may be bringing things up. My partner and I had similar issues with past trauma eliciting visceral reactions to sex and we had to take time to work through it.

  4. You might be allergic to his semen. It also might be that he’s doing something that is hitting a nerve, which can sometimes cause nausea.

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