I’m 19 and im graduating in a couple of months for my Writing degree, i highly doubt I’ll make even close to 50k for a job, any advice?

EDIT: im from Miami for those saying im moving to the most expensive city

  1. Writing degree? Bruh…

    Buy a pair of kneepads. Your night shift starts around 10pm-4am.

  2. * Keep your running costs as low as possible

    * If you can’t afford it in cash, you can’t afford it.

    * If you ever considered becoming self-employed: Go out and meet people. All kinds. If you’re the “I know a guy” someone knows for certain jobs, you’ll get a surprising amount of opportunities

  3. The city is awesome, if you have money! Walking instead of cabs/ subway ( most of the time faster!), happy hours with food ( not just the tittie bars boy!) bring your own lunch, keep your good shoes in your desk and commute in comfort/ less expensive shoes ( they will need replacing!), learn to cook meals, and the best way I started to spend less was not to rent over a bar/ pub ( it becomes your living room and even with buy backs for regulars it adds up!!!) finding a wealthy older gal and be a boy toy ( you will learn a lot of things that will help you later) is my bonus tip. Hang out on park ave, the bars on the roofs of the museums, and Soho( all pricey but ladies hang around these areas)

  4. don’t. If you must, bring about 10 people with you where you can all sublet a place

  5. New York is very expensive. I would suggest you try and find a writing related job you could do online or at least find one before you left for new York.

  6. don’t expect it to be easy – work your ass off, cut costs wherever you can, get comfortable being uncomfortable… treat it as a good learning experience and don’t get down on yourself if you’re not there yet

    follow your dreams brother

  7. It will be an experience, either good or bad, which is determined by the expectations you’ve set up and the work you put in. I’ve been through New York a few brief times, but I have several friends who have moved there for work and I can tell you a couple of them found profound success and the others bailed within 6 months.

    You’re 19 with a writing degree, which probably means you’re earning your associates. Your competition for writing jobs in a place where the pool of candidates is vast and holds high levels of education AND many of those people have portfolios of published work AND some of those folks even have deep family money and can afford to ride out the storm.

    If you go, go with an open mind and enjoy the experience. If you go with high expectations of making a living on writing in New York you’re going to set yourself up for some failure – possibly. Of course, your path is yours and it isn’t fair for anyone to say you can’t do it, just know, there’s a lot of people out there trying and the advise isn’t just to hold you back.

  8. Stay at home and do freelancing until you get a good quality resume then move to new York but expect to spend majority of your salary on rent and never being able to buy a home unless you become a director of a publisher.

  9. I hope you have a job waiting for you, it doesn’t sound like you do. You will burn through any savings very quickly in NY. My advice would be to never move to a town where you don’t have a job waiting for you. You can very quickly find yourself doing service industry or retail jobs to keep your head above water and not have time to find the writing job you want.

    How many months can you afford $1000-$2000 of rent + expenses? Rent is going to be more expensive than Miami. You may want to see if you can find an AirBnB to rent for a month or two while you look for a job. If you can’t find one and decide to go elsewhere, you won’t have a lease to break.

  10. What kind of degree do you have at 19? There are people with Ph.Ds in writing from Ivy League institutions who are struggling. If you’re asking this question online, you’re not ready to go out and do something like this on your own.

    Learn a craft or a skill, get a proper degree, develop mentors, get internships. You’re not ready. And the sooner you realize this, the sooner you will be ready.

  11. Writing degree, expectation to make less than $25 an hour, and a desire to live in an incredibly expensive area.

    I’d suggest you sub to r/antiwork and r/latestagecapitalism to get a head start on the next phase of your life.

  12. “I don’t think I can secure the finances to live in this over-priced and very expensive place — what’s your advice?”

    You answered your own question. Don’t.

    Or do and learn the hard way; waste a lot of time moving there and moving out shortly thereafter.

  13. Get a motorcycle. It’s the best of all worlds. Parking is a breeze, you can weaved through traffic jams, and you can escape the island when you need to. I got one when I moved there and it changed my whole lifestyle for the better.

  14. Frankly I think you are making a huge mistake. 50k in NYC is poverty level. Yes you live in South Florida, do you live with your parents or on your own? Also keep in mind there is a recession coming. People are saying it’s still avoidable but the news sure are getting worse every week. You need to answer why you are even wanting to move there in the first place. If you can secure a good job (BEFORE moving in), then sure.

    Perhaps we can help you out with a plan if you lay out your goals and where you are now, but you are giving too little information, which to me sounds like you’re being hopeful that everything is going to go your way. You’re 19 and you have a lot of time. Don’t make bad decisions so early on. It can take years to undo them.

  15. I would say “don’t go” but what I’ll really say is “good luck” when I am thinking “your fucked” crime is high so cya

  16. I would say: just go!!! You really want to, you know the risks, you are “prepared” and know is not going to be easy, take the chance, now is the time to take these risks.
    I’m from 🇧🇷 moved across the ocean to 🇳🇱 , another continent, another language, tottally alone, no job… I have no words to explain how expensive is to live in this country and still here I am, 5yrs later, a pandemia later, no jobs hiring later, strong winters later. It wasn’t easy at all, still isn’t, I cried a lot, still do, I don’t speak the language yet but again, here I am.
    So just go, you can do it 😊 in case its not nice anymore you can always move back or move somewhere else as you are only 19yrs, nyc would be a great experience to tell in the future.
    I wish you all of the luck and all of sucess.
    Enjoy the ride.

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