using one word or writting a paragraph, how would you describe it?

  1. My mom and I have a really good relationship. We talk every Sunday, she gabs a lot, and I let her. We take trips together and just generally like being around each other.

    With my dad it’s a little standoffish. He’s improved that in the last few years after my little brother died, but it’s still all surface level stuff, he’s not real big on sharing feelings or emotions so we mostly talk about video games and work stuff since we both work in IT

  2. Marginally ok.
    My dad is dead, so we get along great now. He was a verbally/emotionally abusive jerk and has left some pretty nasty deep scars on my psyche (yes, I’m in therapy)

    My mom and I get along on the surface. But fact is, she had no idea how to relate to me as an adult dice her mom died when she was 13. So she still often looks at me like I’m still 13, and not the fully formed 47 year old woman I am.

  3. My dad is my best friend

    My mum, if she were still alive I would’ve cut her out of my life

  4. I consider my parents to be some of my best friends.
    They are divorced and both have new partners.
    I can talk to my mother about practically anything, same with my father.
    I’m an only child so this probably does have some influence, however growing up we butted heads a lot. My relationship with my parents is much better since we are not living under the same roof and also I think, since they got divorced.

  5. My relationship with my dad is excellent. He’s like my best friend. My relationship with my mom is basically non existent. It was completely one sided, with me putting in all of the effort, until my therapist pointed that out to me. The second I matched the effort she was putting in (which was 0) we never hung out or really spoke again. I see her on holidays with the rest of my family and that’s it. She seems perfectly content with it. She doesn’t have a relationship with anyone because she puts zero effort into all of her relationships… not just her relationship with me.

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