This guy and I both worked at this same construction company here in Virginia. We clearly flirted with each other. I’m gay, idk what he is. We grew incredibly close over the past 9 months.

Long story short, we hung out a ton over the past 9 months. We’d hang out, drink a few beers, go to hockey games, etc. we would talk to each other on the phone for hours each week.

He recently quit his job, and his last shift was on Friday. We made plans to hang out after his last shift…but he flat out ignored me the entire time. He kept his sentences short and sweet. Barely looked at me. The only thing he said to me was “Hey bro”…he’s never once called me bro. He left without saying bye, and we didn’t hang out after… it’s like the past 9 months never existed. How do you go from talking about our lives at 2am one night, to flat out ignoring me the next day?

My question is…are men usually bad at goodbyes, and telling people how they really feel? I mean at the VERY least, I thought we were close friends. Maybe he didn’t want to say goodbye to me? Why ignore me on his last day?

1 comment
  1. It’s crazy you asked cause at my job I’ve had friends that I grew in the company with move on from the company and also the relationships created within the company. I just took as they enjoyed their jobs and friends but don’t want to be reminded of what was. Hard to really say. To each their own.

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