Just for context I am a 40 year old woman I am fairly outgoing and I try to be friendly and polite to everyone I am introduced to in social settings, When I go out with friends and I meet friends of friends sometimes I say hi and people don’t even look at me in the face or say hi back.

I know it’s more about the other person when someone is rude to you and not a reflection but it seems to happen a lot to me where I will go up to someone at a party who is friends with my friends and they often do not even say hi back to me and our route to my face and I wonder why it keeps happening over and over again what is a good way to handle a situation like this?

After a while it just seems like the problem is me and I would like to know what is wrong with me so I can fix it because it erodes my self-confidence because I am a very empathic and observant person and I just want to be friends with people.

  1. People are just cold initially, sometimes people take a few whacks before the icebreaker. Try a few more times, if they dont budge, the ball is on their court.

  2. Please, give a little bit more context. I don’t want to misread the situation.

    Does similar behaviour happen with strangers?

    Have you ever asked them, why they behaved in such a way?

    Have you talked to your friends about this behaviour?

    Do these friends of friends act differently when you are with your friends?

    Do you tend to be assertive in social situations or are more like a background character?

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