How do I make it right without having to say sorry to her?

  1. Unless you’re willing to die on your hill I strongly recommend you do whatever it takes to make it right and that probably means saying sorry for whatever offense you’ve caused. Relationships are about compromise bruv.

    Whenever me and my woman have a disagreement we both have to think strongly about whether or not we’re willing to die on our chosen hills. Almost every time I am NOT willing to die on my chosen hill. I’d rather the relationship be amicable and easy to navigate and that means watching the bullshit show or saying sorry I snapped when I was stressed yada yada yada…

  2. Fuck her so good shes cums really hard.

    And im not joking. It almost doesn’t matter how fucked up yall relationship is or that you treat her kind if shitty. If you fuck them really good, they tend to still look at you with rose colored glasses

  3. Depends on how much of an ass you wanna be. I mean, you could always gaslight the hell out of her.

  4. You could say you’re sorry for the situation / escalation instead of the cause.

    But, saying sorry isn’t that hard, is it? If it’s diffusing the situation I will apologize. Why? Because I love her and don’t like fight8ng over nothing.

  5. Don’t know why people have a problem apologizing when they know they’re in the wrong. Reason enough for me to not want to deal with them again. Life is to short to not take responsibility for your actions.

  6. Nothing wrong with saying you’re sorry. But words are empty without making a change and showing you are in your actions. This goes both ways of course

  7. If you didn’t actually do anything wrong but she wants an I’m sorry then don’t even try to make it right. Dont let her gas light you into being nice to her. She should be the one coming to apologize.

    I’m looking at this from the perspective that you didn’t do anything wrong you just don’t want to fight anymore.

  8. Why would it be such a bad thing to say sorry? If you were wrong, you should not let pride get in the way. If you were wrong, you should apologise.

    Well, of course it should be a genuine apology, not ‘sorry’ just to get it over with. Think about what you did wrong and apologise when you realize how you fucked up.

  9. Hahahahaha, this guy. Think can make it right… what a noob. Especially without apologizing.

  10. You be direct and say you’re sorry. If you did something that is reversible, then try to reverse it.

    Who teaches kids social etiquette these days?

  11. You don’t.
    Not apologizing and meaning it is the same as never even trying to make things right in the first place.

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