To give some backstory: my GF and I went to the same university, but never actually knew each other during our time there. It’s a large public school, and we just never crossed paths. We both moved to the same city post graduation and ended up connecting on tinder.

I grew up in a hyper religious household with strict parents. I hardly ever drank/partied and never had sex. This completely changed when I graduated college. To be short, I basically stopped being religious and I let go of all the shame for the first time in my life. I lost my virginity and had a couple one night stands shortly after. I then met my now GF.

She had a completely different background then me. Her college experience was fairly normal but after graduating she became a cam girl. This went on for about a year and progressively got more intense. She was considering a career in porn but realized she didn’t actually enjoy the work (but the money was good) and dropped everything. She works a vanilla job now and that’s all in the past. She told me this about 3 months in to our relationship. To be totally clear, I do not care at all about her past and she knows this. She’s been nothing but upfront with me and I actually love that she owns her past. It’s extremely attractive to me in a weird way.

When it comes to our sex life, she basically taught me everything I know. I always make sure she finishes and I’m skilled with my mouth and fingers because of her. The problem for me is my GF associates anything outside of vanilla sex with her earlier experiences in camming. She told me, she’s not that person anymore. During those years, she started including other people and doing more extreme acts (like anal, bdsm and threesomes) because she was making more money and expanding her clientele. After she left that career, those types of sex acts stopped.

She told me this after I started expressing more sexual curiosity a year into our relationship. I’m a book nerd , so I started reading about kink extensively. There is so much left to try and I just want effort from her. She gets upset anytime I try to bring it up and has said no to just about every kinky thing I want to try. I’ve asked her it’s trauma-related and she said it isn’t. She even enjoyed a lot of those acts too which confuses the hell out of me.

So I’m stuck here. I really don’t want to break up. I feel like a POS that this could be a dealbreaker for me but idk what else to do.

TDLR; I (26M) have been dating my (26F) GF for about 3 years. Our relationship is otherwise great, outside of some major incompatibilities when it comes to sex. Can’t decide if I should break up or stick it out and I could really use some advice.

  1. You are allowed to feel this way. She’s allowed to feel the way she does. Unfortunately that may mean your no longer compatible. It sucks, but better to be honest with yourself and her and move on.

  2. It’s just something that can’t be helped. She’s not wrong, and neither are you. So you have to decide if this is going to be the dealbreaker.

  3. Break up.

    The sex guys think is great and exciting is bloody boring. The best sex is vanilla. I never get orgasms or even enjoyment from anything but vanilla…

    Tried it all, know what I like. I don’t want to experience it again

  4. The two of you are currently at different stages in your lives. If she is adamant about not meeting you in the middle, and she is well within her rights to do so, she is effectively asking you to settle by not exploring your own sexuality.

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