Single men, are you happy with your solitude? Why or why not?

  1. Yes. I need to focus on myself and my personal growth. It’s voluntary so I don’t worry about it. If I have doubts about that I will reassure them. Everything I do must have it’s benefit out weigh the cost and that’s simply not the case at the moment with a relationship.

  2. >Single men, are you happy with your solitude?


    >Why or why not?

    There’s no better partner for me than myself.

  3. Yes and no.

    I generally enjoy my own company and the freedom that comes from being single, but I’m occasionally struck by a longing for romance and affection.

    That said, I know my notions of love are idealised and that any real, traditional romantic relationship would just make me feel trapped and miserable. I’d have to devote all my time to this person who could (and, statistically speaking, would) up and leave me at any time.

    If I could have a relationship where I could basically switch my girlfriend on and off that’d be perfect, but until that happens I’m stuck in a twilight zone between valuing being single and wanting to be loved.

  4. Yes. I would like to be in a relationship but I can tolerate being single. I want to use this opportunity to establish myself as a person and build up my skills rather than jumping into relationships I wouldn’t want to have, or continually chasing relationships at the expense of my mental health.

    Tried putting all my time and energy into trying to get a girlfriend in high school. Big mistake. Never doing that again.

  5. Depends upon the day.

    Not happy right now.

    But there are days when I’m glad about it.

  6. My solitude is what I need right now. No time to offer, no desire for distractions

  7. Yes iv made my peace with it and now take full advantage of the benefits that come with being by myself

  8. Solitude. Yes. I am content as I am writer and need a lot of alone-time to funcrion.

    A good female, however, is cherished to experience something which is not just my thoughts.

    When I go out of my hermitage, I look at the world in wonder so may be that’s why a partner is required.

    Otherwise, I am Ok.

  9. Sometimes it’s exhilarating , at other times it’s absolutely depressing.

  10. The question isn’t, “Are you happy being single?” it’s “Would you be happier in a relationship?”

  11. Sometimes I am and sometimes I’m not, I’m not getting any and I definitely want some, but I don’t argue with someone about shit that really doesn’t matter to me and it DEFINITELY matters to her.

  12. Niether.

    Living on my own for the first time as an adult has made me realise just how uncomfortable I’ve been most of my life, so it’s somewhat relaxing.

    Then again I have no kne but my self, and I suck.

  13. Yes. It beats having someone invade my life and drive me crazy. Already got a mother

  14. Oh, yes. Absolutely! I do 95% of things in life by myself and am perfectly fine with that. Being somewhat of an anti-social loner I much prefer my owm company to that of others although I do occasionally socialize. As I’ve got older being alone is something I’ve made peace with and found acceptance.

  15. Yeah having someone could be great, but if you end up with the wrong person it sucks. It can be painful.

    Right now I am entering my 30s, quite happy being single for now, because I have time for myself to focus on my project. Right now, having ton of fun, and I will admit that if I get into a relationship right now, I am not ready yet for numerous reasons. I just want to focus on being a better person first.

  16. No. Solitude is painful. A slow, aching kind.

    I am not happy alone. I feel as if I’m incapable of self-love, bring trapped with the terrible thoughts that I have makes me sad and mad that I can’t do anything about it no matter how hard I try to draw or work out or distract myself.

    I’m hardly happy with other people. I feel like they’re just annoyed by me, that they either want the things I can give or stick around because they’re too polite to tell me that I’m annoying to my face. I tell myself that companionship is better than loneliness, but the truth I fe is that as long as other people are around just enough, I won’t kill myself in fear of making their lives worse for it.

  17. Oh not at all, but right now it’s probably for the best. I have a lot of shit to take care of before i can let someone in.

  18. I wouldn’t say I’m happy, but I’m definitely less unhappy being single.

  19. Yes I’ve truely learned to adjust and enjoy myself as well as entertain myself

  20. It’s only better than the alternative. I don’t regret it, if that is what you are asking.

  21. I have sort of mixed feelings about it. I feel like I’m kind of doing life wrong and that fulfilling relationships are an aspect of being human that I shouldn’t simply let not happen if I can help it. That said, there’s silver linings and there’s not much choice but to accept it, is there?

  22. Yes.

    Don’t need any back seat drivers in my car, crazy exes, meddling friends / in-laws, or dead weight on my back.

  23. I’d replace “happy” with “content”. I’ve got a good career and plenty of interests, and men typically like space. Relationships are a lot of hassle these days and the cost + benefit rarely adds up.

    Having said that, been with my GF a few months now and she seems a keeper. But I have no problem going back to my solitude of contentment if she stops adding value to my life.

  24. Not really. I’ve been close to not being single, specially last year, and being single now hurts more than before. This week has the equivalent to Valentine’s Day around here, and it’s the first time I’m actually feeling bad about it.

  25. I mean the ultimate goal for most people should be to find a partner that they can see as their best friend and a romantic partner. I mean I can spend weeks in solitude as I have a tendency to be a hermit, but every chic I’ve dated can’t spend 5 seconds alone without calling someone. If your not comfortable with yourself first then you really shouldn’t have a relationship with anyone since you don’t know how to handle yourself when not around people.

  26. Mostly. I like the freedom and I’m definitely comfortable being alone, but sometimes…

    For example, I’ve been by myself in France for about a week and a half. It’s been awesome, I’ve seen so many amazing places and had so many amazing meals, but I wish I had someone to share it with.

    Not just the incredible stuff, but the mundane stuff too. Waiting for the bus or figuring out what to get at the grocery store to make dinner tonight. Walking down the street deciding if I even *should* make dinner tonight or if I’d rather just stop by one of these little shops.

  27. My current bf was single up until he was 26 (when he met me), like completely single. By choice. He is now the biggest baby and always want’s to be cuddled and rubbed. xD

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