What’s the number one thing you did to become a stronger you?

  1. Be independent. Earn money, live on your own. Do not depend on anyone (financially), not even your parents or a partner.

  2. put myself first, install a self affirmation app, constantly update my journal, not think too much about the people who left me when i was at my lowest

  3. Believe in myself.

    It is hard but step by step i believe in me and my choices

  4. Therapy, reading more books and learning new things and most importantly,cutting off all who were toxic to my well-being (family or not)

  5. I made sure I was 100% financially dependent on me only! Though now everyone wants to “borrow” from me. So then I learned the power of NO!!!!

  6. Embraced being gay and stopped hiding who I am

    I gained so much confidence and self acceptance

  7. Therapy. Telling people “no”. No-Contact with family members who clearly didn’t want me to be happy.

  8. stood up for myself when i knew i was being treated badly. took me awhile because i loved the person deeply but i’m so much happier now without them.

  9. Practiced doing things by myself. Best thing I did was go to a movie by myself after work many years ago. It was so tranquil and peaceful to sit in a mostly empty theater and know that no eyes were on me. I could just enjoy the experience without the context of anyone else.

    It inspired me to do start doing more solitary hobbies and really understanding what I liked over doing stuff with other people because they liked it.

    Helped me establish a better sense of self, boundaries, and empowered me to be more independent. It was a very small first step, but it put me in the direction I needed to go.

  10. Put my financial independence first.

    Worked up towards a strong career in a high demand industry (tech).

    I never wanted to be dependent on anyone that would abuse or mistreat me.

    Being self sufficient means I can logistically walk away from unhealthy relationships without risking stability in my housing, healthcare, support network, etc.

  11. Discipline myself and develop healthy routines. Sticking to those routines and managing my daily schedule to be productive has dramatically improved my health!

    Also, taking my religion (Christianity) more seriously to be a better person. Anything that makes you self reflect and be a better person (therapy, religion, spirituality) is always good for strength.

  12. remove people in my life that held me back. or that werent healthy. oh and then i started walking miles every day as therapy

  13. This might be a small thing, but learned how to use my voice when speaking with/around men. Women always complain that men talk over them and interrupt them. It’s how they talk to each other. We’re taught to be more polite, wait for people to stop talking. When we bring that behavior to other conversations, we end up not being part of it.

    Just talk over them and interrupt them. They will stop talking. And if they don’t, I continue to talk. I don’t get called a bitch or anything like that. I Just use my voice the same way they do.

  14. Unfortunately, went through trauma and developed PTSD. I went through a lot and came out the other side so I know I’m capable of a lot more now.

  15. I started going to the gym. Physical strength aside, it did wonders for my self esteem and self image.

  16. Walked away from the people and situations that were no longer serving me.

    Recognize when it’s time to give up. You did everything you could. It didn’t turn out the way you wanted to but that’s okay. There’s something better out there for you, but you won’t find it until you move on.

  17. Yoga. I have no “number one”, but it’s one of the most important practices for me to live authentically as my true and balanced self.

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