My personal favorite is the saga of Jack Thompson. From Wikipedia:

“In February 2008, the Florida Supreme Court ordered Thompson to show cause as to why it should not reject future court filings from him unless they are signed by another The Florida Bar member. The Florida Supreme Court described his filings as “repetitive, frivolous and insult[ing to] the integrity of the court,” particularly one in which Thompson, claiming concern about “the court’s inability to comprehend his arguments,” filed a motion which he called “A picture book for adults”, including images of “swastikas, kangaroos in court, a reproduced dollar bill, cartoon squirrels, Paul Simon, Paul Newman, Ray Charles, a handprint with the word ‘slap’ written under it, Bar Governor Benedict P. Kuehne, Ed Bradley, Jack Nicholson, Justice Clarence Thomas, Julius Caesar, monkeys, [and] a house of cards.”

  1. The whole butterfly effect approach to the interstate commerce clause boils my blood and makes toilet paper out of the 10th amendment.

    Basically has the feds redefining the bounds of its own power at will which completely throws out the purpose of the constitution as a tool for limited governance by setting up strict limits for the power, scope, and role of the general government.

  2. Guy sued himself for millions and wanted the state to pay since he was in jail.

  3. Southpark had a scene where they just did the transcript from a court hearing where the defendant got a judge riled up and the judge had an outburst. I think he got disbarred. But the entire exchange is pure comedy gold.

    Edit: it was rick and morty, not southpark. Thanks for the corrections.

  4. Search for “vexatious litigant.” You’ll find a lot of this kind of thing.

    Courts sometimes have to cut someone off because they file things maliciously or are clearly off their rocker. They can still file but have to do it through counsel in most cases I know of.

    Often it is just pure mental illness but the court can’t diagnose someone but they can stop frivolous filings.

  5. An acquaintance of mine got his gf pregnant. She told him she was going to have his baby, left him, and then cut all contact and refused any offers for support during the pregnancy.

    Some family from a small town in western kansas paid her to adopt her baby, so she had the baby in secret and sold it to them without him knowing. As soon as he found out he filed paperwork to get custody.

    Unfortunately, the family has a lot of sway in their small town, so the judge that oversaw the case ruled that because he didn’t provide her “substantive financial support” during the pregnancy he had no right to his kid. Now again, she *refused* his support (which he has thousands of text messages proving), and then cut off contact entirely. Doesn’t matter, his kid was straight up sold out from under him to a rich family and the courts still ruled in their favor. He’s appealed, he’s sued, he’s petitioned the supreme court, and lost each one at this point.

    It’s absurd and disgusting, and he’s probably going to end up taking his own life, or someone else’s at this point.

  6. There is the one where the guy pretends to not know that ‘xerox’ and ‘photocopy’ are the same thing. There is a youtube audio video of washington post reporters re-enacting the transcript. It’s super frustrating to listen to.

  7. I still enjoy that hardcore pornography is defined as “You know it when you see it…”

  8. Fucking Miller v. United States. The case originated from Jack Miller crossing state lines with an unregistered short barreled shotgun which violated the National Firearms Act of 1934. Miller was convicted and died in prison while the case was taken up by the Supreme Court.

    His lawyer didn’t even bother to show up to the hearings at the Supreme Court…

  9. I was 18 years old and went to court to fight a ticket. It was my first and only time being in a court or being in trouble for anything. I sat there and watched the cop straight up lie to the judge about everything I did and said. Including that I did an illegal turn into my apartment complex. Except, there was no apartment complex on that road and I lived with my parents in a house, miles away. That experience has stuck with me ever since.

    edit: i think i misunderstood the question, thought it was asking about personal experiences

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