If you have the chance to choose just one place to spend the rest of your life, what do you choose: small town, city, farm, beach, forest, mountain? why?

  1. City with a forest, mountains and beaches within driving distance. I love my city amenities, but I’d like the option to get away once in a while.

  2. The city, mainly because I grew up in a city and everything is more convenient. Such as the stores are nearby and there’s much more opportunity. Plus there’s people always around which is a pro and con together.

  3. Having a house on a private beach would be paradise. The ocean is just magical to me, always has been.

  4. Can I take a mid sized city (between 200,000 and 900,000) near the ocean that also has forests and farms nearby, please? I’ve lived in just about all of those options already, and that combo is what works best for me.

  5. City. I like crowds and I love the convenience of having stores, restaurants and anything I can think of nearby.

  6. City. I don’t like beaches, small towns have nothing in them, forests have wildlife (and I’m expected to enjoy outdoors sports) and mountains are cold. I want city amenities, I want to be able to find specialty shops and not have to rely on the internet to buy everything, I want many different types of cuisine available.

  7. city, hopefully near the water like Vancouver or Toronto. I’ve always liked the idea of a busy environment

  8. City because I need to actually be able to access amenities and buy food and stuff. I don’t drive so living in the middle of nowhere just wouldn’t be practical, even if the scenery would be nicer

  9. A very natural, forested area near a small to medium-sized town/city with old mountains, lakes/rivers, good medical facilities, good career opportunities, convenient shopping, good restaurant/food options, a thriving arts community, a solid farming community nearby, and within 4 hours max of a significantly larger city. Daily driving (if needed) shouldn’t require more than 5 miles to get to usual places of need. Preferably not in a place at significant threat from tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanos, earthquakes, or other common natural disasters.

    I’ve lived in a lot of different types of places and these are the features I’ve loved most about them all combined into one place, so that would be my preference.

  10. City near a beach. Because even though I was raised in a town with a population under 2000 I am a big city girl in my heart. I love all of the movement and diversity. It’s gotta be a city with warmer weather and a low elevation though. I feel so much more alive in warm low elevation environments.

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