Hi everyone. I was wondering if this is true or bs. I’ve heard multiple people say different things. Thanks in advance for any help!

  1. People swear by it, I have had a doctor tell me it’s not true, for men or women and impact on how they taste.

  2. Fruit in general does, but Pineapple is the most effective. Fun fact: Junk food makes it taske like shit.

  3. So I started drinking fruit tea at work and my partner says it 100% tastes sweeter.

    And the tea I was drinking was pineapple and lychee.

  4. Thanks for the replies so far. I’ve been drinking a lot of water and 100% natural pineapple juice with no added sugar or anything recently. Also have been eating more fruits than usual. I’ll update yall when my partner tells me 💀

  5. Honestly I feel like pineapple is seen as a magic thing to cum taste like candy while the truth (according to me lol) is more like a healthy diet with loads of vegetables and fruits will make it taste better. Your diet affect your smell (sweat) so yeah sure it will affect your taste too. So I believe that yes to an extent pineapple can make it taste sweeter. I think it is about acidity of the body. I personally try to eat lots of fruits and to drink a lot of water, avoiding processed food.

  6. Yeah but you have yo use the right recipe…

    1oz cum

    2 tsp pineapple juice

    Splash of tonic (optional)

    A couple ice cubes

    Shaken, not stirred

    Serve over ice with a sugared rim

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