So this girl i know nothing about and she knows nothing about me but i heard from her and she probably heard from me since we have mutual friends and tomorrow me and 2 of my friends are gonna watch the movie and she decided to come along, and btw me and her never met before but ive seen here once and she is cute but how do i approach her or show im interested in her without making it weird or just how to not be put on the friend zone instantly since we never had the chance to meet or hang out and this is gonna be the first time we do so i dont wanna fuck it up. Any advice? Btw we are both 20 im M she is F.

And should i get her contacts after we hangout or whats the should the move be next?

1 comment
  1. Don’t approach the situation like you know her. Still introduce yourself, make conversation with everyone, don’t be pushy, crack some jokes (if they’re natural), and watch the movie. You’re going to start off in the friend zone regardless because she doesn’t know you. Take this as an opportunity to get to know each other. If she thinks you’re a creep chances are she won’t give you her contacts anyways, but if she likes you then of course try to keep the vibe going.

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