Why does it seem these days that it’s so hard to find someone that’s totally down for you? Seems like these days everyone is so quick to run and has someone in the back pocket incase things don’t work out. I true think about giving up on finding someone, I’m still young and I know it’ll happen someday but I don’t see it happening anytime soon. I miss the feeling of love and can’t seem to find it anywhere anymore. I miss my fucking ex like crazy not even because if her but I miss the love she gave me and the comfort I felt. I try to love myself and recognize my issues and I’m working at them, I’m honest, can flirt just fine and make them laugh a lot too, never have many complaints, I just have a hard time getting the commitment, I give it, even to someone I matched with 10 minutes ago in tinder.
Maybe I care to much and im just lonely but this feeling I feel isn’t it and I hate it. I just want some love

  1. Word seems like the only ones I find just wanna use me for something, but be careful it’s not everyone and stop looking for a “Relationship”( a title of boyfriend and girlfriend) and instead build a relationship because then you will truly build relationships with people you can see who truly loves you. Also can say from experience I know the feeling you seem to love everyone and forgive people of there flaws despite them being red flags, let those people lean themselves away.

  2. As a girl I’m in a very similar situation. I’m half considering just deleting all the apps and ignoring the dating scene. It may be better to stumble upon something more genuine in time than continually have self esteem and hopes wrecked. I think with all the politics, pandemic, and controversy going on people have just been in a horrible place when it comes to commitment and dating.

    Definitely feeling touch/affection deprived myself as well. We will get through this one way or another. Keep your head up and don’t make decisions based off loneliness.

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