I grew up with a very strict mother. I wanted to know what other mother’s thought was deemed inappropriate or wrong to do.

  1. Honesty. Even if I won’t like it. I don’t want to find out the dumb shit they’ve done from someone else.

  2. I’m super laid back as a mom. So, mainly these two items:

    Use critical thinking skills.

    Have compassion for self and others.

    I almost never think my kids are wrong. I think they are weird and amazing people. And dang, they teach me stuff every day.

  3. No opposite sex sleepovers.

    Keep your grades up.

    That’s kind of it, actually. My kid is 14 and pretty well behaved and tells me everything. I don’t really have a need for a lot of rules. There are occasional restrictions placed on screentime if grades slip, but it’s been at least a year since that was an issue.

  4. 2 mainly.

    No lies. Ever. No exceptions. I can not keep you safe or back you up without information.

    No matter how badly you feel you do not get to mistreat someone based on your feeling.

    Basically my big 2

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