Do you try to avoid them? Do you embrace them?

  1. I walk around with a farmer’s tan all summer. (It’s more of a browning since my base is already rather tan) 😆

  2. I’m very pale and barely tan, so I don’t experience them and I’m pretty indifferent to them on other people.

  3. I don’t tan to begin with 😅 so if I do tan lines are amazing. It proves I actually go in the sun

  4. I embrace them because I cannot avoid them – even with sunscreen and staying out of the sun as much as possible.

    They become my warrior stripes (watch tan, sandal tan, shorts tan x 2 depending on length, farmers tan). It becomes a contest. In the winter getting a goggle tan means you’re out on the slopes a lot.

  5. Doesn’t bother me at all. I try to avoid tanning and wear sunscreen but obv it happens when you’re outside. I don’t care enough to consider what I’m wearing for the tan lines, I just care that it’s comfy and cute.

  6. Love a nice golden bronze goddess tan with a white girl bikini 👙 tan line and all. It’s sexy, kinda like lingerie you don’t have to wear. On the other end, if it’s farmers tan. I wish I lived in a nudist community. I’d rather be bronzed up head to toe than have a unique asymmetrical tan lines. BUT if you’re a guy, bring on the farmers tan. It’s hot. Love thinking they are hard working men who work their buns off.

  7. I often have a driver’s tan once the summer gets going. Nothing I can do about it, so whatever.

  8. I’m very pale, but tan extremely easy. Tan lines are unavoidable. I have like 15 different shades of tan across my body and there’s nothing I can do about it. It is what it is.

  9. Personally don’t like them. I’m prone to them because of outdoor activities that I do such as summing and my adult volleyball league. I try to get rid of them when possible

  10. I don’t like tan lines on me so I go to a tanning booth 🙂

  11. They can tell you a lot about a person. I don’t often think too hard about them though.

  12. The way I tan my tan lines would stay around until half way through winter. I don’t do as much summer swimming now so it’s not as much of an issue but as a woman in her 40’s I’ve started wearing SPF 50 or higher along with hats. I think tan lines look fine though I do laugh a bit at really stark sunglass or sock lines.

  13. unless it to the point where people look like they have a bikini drawn on them I’m indifferent otherwise I have to stifle a laugh sometimes because its too obvious

  14. I am a paralegal, a student, and an author. My skin rarely sees direct sunlight. The few parts that do, yes, I get obvious tan lines, but I just can’t be bothered to care.

  15. I don’t like them*. But I’ve avoided tanning at all costs since my mid teens so they haven’t really been an issue in my life since I was a child

    *obviously this doesn’t mean that I would be mean to someone else because they have them

  16. I don’t mind them on myself generally. I do get annoyed when I have multiple tan lines on one area though, like my shoulders and neckline so I try to wear similar things when I know I’ll be catching some sun. On everyone else, I couldn’t care less whether they have them or not.

  17. I have fair skin and skin cancer in the family, so I get upset if I start to get a tan because tan = damage from the sun.

  18. I avoid all tanning so no tanlines for me, but I like them on other people.

  19. Not an issue for me. I do not tan.

    They are also not an issue for me if I see them on anyone else.

  20. I dont mind having them. I think they’re kinda cute. I love the tan line I get from my birkenstocks!

  21. Neutral. I try to avoid it just because my skin is sensitive to burns, but I don’t find it odd or weird if I or someone else has them.

  22. I embrace mine. We returned from our honeymoon recently, 2 glorious weeks of sun, sea and sand in Spain and Italy. I brought 4 different styles of swimsuits and by the time it was over my tan lines were crazy-ass funny. Unless one uses spray tans/self tanners the perfect all over tan is a myth and only an Instagram (fake) reality.

  23. They’re not my favorite. But I’m not about to pay to go tanning. It’s that that big of a deal. When I get a chance to be naked outside, I take it. But it doesn’t happen often enough to keep away the tan lines.

  24. Tan lines = I’m not doing a good job protecting my skin. But that’s me with my history of skin cancer. Others have different risk/reward equations.

  25. I only turn a nice red shade similar to a lobster then back to my standard of ghostly white. So if I got a tan I would probably be stunned. On other people I don’t care either way. Unless they are family then I preach about the dangers of skin cancer haha

  26. I don’t like them on myself, and I try really hard not to tan so when I have them it just shows how dark I’ve gotten. Tan lines on men are just…so far from sexy to me, especially farmers/t shirt tan lines. Bikini tan lines on other women though I find pretty hot.

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