4 years ago I asked a girl out she turned me down. We stayed friends though. Well a lot has changed in 4 years including 100lbs of weight loss and just all positive life changes, a few relationships here and there. The girl I rejected we stayed friends and have become great friends. Problem is I still have really strong feelings for her and it effects my other relationships because I realize I like her more then the girls I’m dating which isn’t fair to them. For people who’ve been in similar situations how did you decide what to do ?

  1. Friendship in a way were one side have feelings and other not is a worst possible situation to be in. Rather split up completely than be in close proximity and hope for a love spin-off. I’ve been there and would never again let myself do the same no matter how much i m in love.

  2. Ohh I just cut her out of my life… because it affected me a lot to a point that I felt being used and whenever she went for a date it broke my heart … so yeah changed the country and cut the whole lot of them, her friends etc

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