Hi all, I (26M) have been in a relationship with this girl (23F) for 3 months. And while that’s not the longest time we really connected and are very close. Now lately I’ve had some relationship anxiety because I know I worry and sometimes can be annoying due to that so I do already have some anxiety about that and I had a sit down heart to heart with her about everything and it went really well. Now yesterday, her ex fling she used to hook up with sent her a snap message which she did block him on snap in front of me but it still kind of bothered me and just made me
Uncomfortable. Now We have a good relationship and I know I overthink things but they also still follow each other on social media and stuff and it bothers me. I want to bring it up and express that it makes me uncomfortable but on the other hand I know
I’m just overthinking things like always and I don’t want to tell her to do things because that’s not me and I never want to come across as demanding or something like that. Any advice would be greatly appreciated because I’ve been dwelling on it and I know it’s super unhealthy to dwell and I just don’t want to ruin anything.

TLDR. Looking for advice on what to say or not to say to partner about being uncomfortable due to an ex fling messaging her.

  1. Dude, just say what you feel (in a respectful manner). Nobody gains anything from lack of communication.

    Think about this.. maybe you guys won’t date forever, so what’s the loss for speaking your mind? If anything, you should be strong about your personal boundaries. You will be able to look back and think “hey, at least I was myself”.

    As for the issue at hand, yea it seems you are overthinking it, but bringing up the subject can produce some really healthy boundaries and expectations for the relationship.

  2. Say how you feel. If she isn’t looking for attention she will listen & respect you. Good luck.

  3. I don’t understand what you’re uncomfortable with. She blocked him in front of you. She’s clearly not interested or invested in the ex.

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