I know this seems like a very random question but me and my friends recently played a trivia game that claimed 60% of Americans can point out Denmark on a map. That seemed a lot to us, so I thought I’d ask!

This isn’t a quip at your education btw, I know most Europeans cant pinpoint Utah on a map, that’s why it seemed so strange to me.

  1. Yeah of course. It’s tucked away down south between Paraguay and Siberia.

  2. Yes. It’s one of the many penise… I mean peninsulas on the European continent.

  3. Denmark is certainly one of the more recognisable countries of Europe.

    Ask me about Albania and the answer is east of Italy I think.

  4. This fucking guy thinks Denmark exists.

    There’s no such thing as Danes, OP. There’s just peninsula Swedes who talk funny.

  5. I can pinpoint all of Europe, all of Asia, all of both both Americas minus the Caribbean, all of Antarctica, most of Afrca and some of Oceania on a map.

  6. I play the geography guessing game worldle (note the L), Denmark was the mystery country yesterday. I got it on my first guess: not only do I know where it is on a map but I can recognize its outline.

  7. A few years after learning the world map around age 13, I might have jumbled the Scandinavian countries around until I took more history courses at the university level. Later, I would play paradox strategy games and got things usually more accurate in smaller detail, though I might get confused and think Schleswig is inside the modern borders…

  8. Coincidentally, 60% is about where I’d put my odds of picking the right Scandinavian country.

    I could definitely identify the general Denmark-ish region.

  9. Yes. But I also taught geography… so there’s that. But, I did teach my students where Denmark was. If they forget, that’s on them.

  10. Yeah it’s north of Germany and east of the Netherlands and south of Norway. Looks kind of like a skinny Michigan.

  11. Denmark is easy. So yes.

    I can even locate all the Balkan states on a map.

    I am a map nerd, so that helps

  12. That’s where they speak Dutch right?

    (And serious answer, yes, I can identify Denmark on a map).

  13. We get quizzed on our geographical knowledge regularly here, so it’s not really as random a question as you suggest. And yes, I can find Denmark on a map.

  14. Does someone pointing at Greenland or Faroe get full points too? Y’know, Kingdom and all?

  15. Yes, I can. I can locate almost every European country, with the exception of some of the Balkan nations; I know their names and their general location on the European continent, but would struggle to match many of the names to the respective country.

    I love looking at maps, so I can locate most countries, though several island nations and territories trip me up, too (as with Europe, I know their names, but struggle to match them with the country).

  16. Yep, wouldn’t be a problem at all. In 7th grade we had to memorize where all the European countries were during our European History unit.

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