Looking for feedback:

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Post-Feedback: https://imgur.com/1iCOKpM

Thank you to everyone for the feedback. I’ll work on getting some more photos

  1. Take the cat photo out. Replace it with a photo of your whole body. I know it’s hard but it’s better to show the whole amazing you to potential matches.

    Also maybe change the wording of “looking for someone to lead me out of my comfort zone” to I enjoy doing things outside of my comfort zone and would like someone that thinks the same.

  2. I’d really challenge you to try to get someone to take a fuller-body shot and to smile with teeth. Or at least set your phone against something and use the self-timer function. Your pictures all look essentially identical. Scrub the cat picture—the cats are really cute, but there are other ways to mention that you have cats without it taking up one of the precious few spaces you have for pictures. You are going to get people commenting saying you need to cut your hair. While men I know who’ve had long hair *did* have much greater dating success after they cut it, I don’t feel like you have to cut it. But, most of your pics have your hair pulled back. If that is how you mostly wear your hair, I would remove the one with your hair down.

    I don’t think I’d mention the part about not being offended by crude humor. It makes it sound like dirty jokes are a substantial part of your personality, and I think that’s going to put a lot of women off. I think you can reframe “must love cuddling” to mentioning that you are a physically affectionate person, or that physical touch is one of your love languages. Rephrasing it like that sounds more like what *you* bring to the relationship than what you require someone else to bring.

    I’d also go more into detail with your prompt answers. What does being a computer nerd mean for you? Are you super into custom builds for gaming, or is Python one of your love languages, or are you a Mac devotee? I feel like your answers are a bit general and don’t give much of a feel for your hobbies and interests.

  3. First picture is good but blurred, is there a similar profile pic of you that isn’t?

    Some pictures are of having done things, but maybe more with showing an action something like throwing the axe, or other hobbies?

  4. If your hairs short take out long haired photos, if your hairs long google caring for curls. Its always better to have recent photos. By the time your hairs long again you’ll have been able to get to know somebody beyond hair.

    I agree with others with a full body ideally outdoor shot.

    And feel free to ignore this but maybe update your glasses. Newer style frames would do wonders for your face.

  5. I barely get any matches on online dating. I have been approaching women I find attractive though for 2 months now. And suddenly I get dates. It’s been a great journey getting there. Starting to tell people what I want and how I feel.

    I think there’s such a huge amount of men on the dating platforms that I don’t have the best chances online. Because all women can see are my looks. In real life barely anyone approaches women anymore. So if you can train your bravery until you can do just that, you’ve found yourself a niche.

  6. A photo of you standing next to a buried hatchet without a big smile on your face might not be ideal. 🙂

  7. I agree. Add full body pic AND pic of you with friends/socializing (blur their faces).

  8. **Pictures:** Almost all of these look similar… Similar shot distance, similar smile, similar interior, similar clothes… I would think that you don’t have much of a life outside of your house. As others have mentioned, you don’t want to waste space with cats. I would need to see a full-body shot. Don’t focus on taking the BEST shot, just take a bunch and edit it down later.

    **Prompts:** I think that saying you’re up for an adventure and new experiences is enough, I don’t like the idea that I’m going to have to be the person to “take you out of your comfort zone.”

    I have crude humor but boy, I would not say it. You can show it in your prompts, be *just* a tad dirty.

    The answers to the questions are a little low effort to me. You can give a little more context to being a computer nerd. Maybe you can set me up with a faster gaming rig? Delete my internet history? <– Hey, that would be funny and show a little bit of your crude humor, no? Paleontology? I bet you have some bone jokes… Something

  9. I’m curious as to whether anyone else feels this way, but as someone who likes cuddling I’m always turned off by anyone who specifies it in their profile?

    It gives me the same level of squeamish that someone saying “I like having sex a lot” would give?

    But maybe I’m in the minority on this

    Anyway, I definitely think you come across as quite nerdy and looking for the same. If you feel like this describes you, good. If you feel like one or both sides are off, you might want to re-tool a bit to not seem as niche. The more niche you get the more likely they’ll be into you if they do match, but you will get less matches/fewer opportunities so – sometimes it’s about finding the right zone for you between the two.

    I would recommend you update your glasses style. Small rectangle glasses tend to make eyes look small. And too many selfies here

  10. Agree with other comments here, just wanted to wish you luck in Portland ME – VERY small dating pool there in my experience (lived there for a couple years a few years back)

  11. The only thing I saw that would immediately make me swipe left is the part about cuddling. To me, saying you like cuddling gives me real ick vibes and makes me think you’re going to push for sex/physical intimacy way too fast or forcefully.

    Perhaps (and most likely) this is due to my many many years of online dating duds, but when a guy mentions cuddling, it usually means they’re either going to think of me as just a hole they can pump for 32 unenthusiastic seconds, or they’re gonna pull a “I bought you a drink so you owe me a kiss you stupid whore” line on me.

    Otherwise I dig pretty much everything else! You’re cute! I personally love the cat photos, and I’d probably swipe right asking what their names are.

  12. I’m giving this from the perspective of a 20-something, who has female friends in their 30s. Being in your late 30s and having “not sure” if you want to have kids in your profile is somewhat a “red flag” in girl world. A lot of 30+ women on OLD are 50/50, some want kids, some are child-free, some have kids from a previous relationship, some might be unable to have children and might want to adopt. You might be open to dating all of these women. I just wouldn’t have that on my profile at all (however, on my Bumble profile I have had “wants someday” because I am matching with other men in their 20s and having children is very important to me)!

    I also want to echo what aphra2 said about cuddling. Instead of that perhaps say that your love language is physical touch, as that’s a lot less intense than saying straight up that you want to cuddle!

  13. If you have some tech moola I would recommend investing in a nice haircut at a nice barber shop, some nice and stylish well-fitting clothes (could go somewhere like the gap or macys and ask a person who works there for some outfit advice, they can help you pick a few pieces that look good on you), and some nice photos taken by a friend or even a photographer in your area. It sounds dumb to do this stuff, but women are attracted to well taken care of men and it could get you more matches.

    In terms of prompts: the more specific the better. Delete the cuddling sentence. Add more details to your prompt answers “I was obsessed with paleontology as a kid and might even still have an interest In it, Jurassic world anyone?” Just something like that will give more for someone to respond to. Or like saying what your specific fav dinosaur is and a cool fact about them. Idk give room for people to easily start convos

  14. Do you have some buddies you feel comfortable asking to take pictures of you? Maybe some male friends who are also trying to online date?

    You could plan a day or activity with those buddies with the secondary goal of getting some great profile pictures of each other. Something like a hike, cooking class, game night… archery is a great one since it requires you to have good posture and show off your forearms! Candid shots of you laughing and doing your thing are absolute gold.

    I’ve done this kind of thing with my friends and finally learned to just ask people to take my picture. Also, when I notice my single guy friends are looking sharp and doing something cool, I try to snap some candid shots for them as a favor.

  15. Mentioning “crude humor” and “cuddling” in a dating app bio would be an immediate swipe left for me. It reads creepy.

  16. To start, you’re a super-cute dude and I think that (like many have said) more up-to-date pics, with either a toothy grin or a slight smile. Your kittens are also very cute, but a full-body pic might help your chances.

  17. I like it!

    Maybe add a favorite Monty Python quote? Mine is “The salmon mousse!!”

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