Do you generally find r/worldnews to lean anti-American?

  1. No, of course not r/worldnews is a straight, neutral subred……. HAHHAHH Sorry, I tried to do it with a straight face….

  2. Maybe in normal times, but right now they want the US to put boots on the ground in Ukraine while Biden goes on TV and calls Putin a wimp for not launching his nukes. Hard to keep push that narrative while also saying “America bad”.

  3. But to honestly answer your question, I don’t think most folk are anti american so much as absurdly hyper critical with blinders on.

    I can’t really speak to other subs, as when I’m not in this one I’m just browsing all and clicking things what catch my fancy. It’s mildly amusing how folk’ll stretch damn near anything into a gun or race issue in the comments, but it’s whatever when it comes to the space in my mind. Disappears when I stop reading it, y’know?

    I feel safe about anywhere I go on Reddit, so it’s either not anti american or it’s my mostly straight white male privilege.

  4. Unless a sub is explicitly pro American, it’s most definitely anti American.

  5. Dude, I’ve seen anti-American rhetoric on r/aww

    And damn subreddit about puppies, kittens, and babies and yet somehow some way a portion of the comment section goes “Murica bad”.

  6. So much of modern America’s identity was created in the 1950’s, a generally terrible time full of generally terrible ideas, that America being a dying civilization can only be a good thing.

  7. No.

    Based upon the comments made so far, however, “anti-American” appears to mean ‘critical of the US.’

    Personally, I wouldn’t classify that as anti-American. If I don’t believe in American exceptionalism, that the US has done wrong in the past, that the US actually has many areas to be critical of and believe that, as Americans, we could do better to improve in those areas, that doesn’t make me anti-American or unpatriotic. But it would to some of these commenters.

  8. Why does it matter if it’s anti-american or not?

    I live abroad, and I assure you most people arnt going to hate you for being an american. It’s mostly limited to criticisms of the US government, such as how a 1st world country in 2022 still forces people to crowd source for healthcare.

  9. The question should be: Are you surprised to see what the whole world thinks about America in regards of American foreign policy in general coming from more trusted news networks that tend to stay away from American partizan networks and actually tell it like it is?

  10. It’s more that it’s full of edgelord children who understand literally nothing about what they’re complaining about.

    Even mentioning the place brings out the trolls. Case in point, the replies here. Especially the ones unflaired or with foreign flair.

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