For women that don’t wear make-up, what small things do you do that enhance your appearance?

  1. I honestly don’t do much. My thought process is I don’t give a shit if you hate my natural face. I mostly just care about my hair since it’s so hard to maintain (thick and super curly) without making it frizzy. I only properly style my hair for special occasions and even then it’s usually me straightening it so it’s nothing too special.

    Edit: I should also preface that I do a decent skincare routine so it’s not like I go around with extremely chapped lips and dry skin or anything.

  2. I like to make my hair curl a bit and put it up in a ponytail, it does not enhance it but it sure as hell makes me look slightly better.

  3. I wear jewelry and sometimes style my hair, wearing different accessories feels nice too

  4. Lots of jewelry, lots of smiling, cute outfits, moisturizer that makes my skin glow, hair nice & neat.

  5. Skincare. For me, that means a gentle cleanser, vitamin c serum, and moisturizer in the evenings and sunscreen during the day.

  6. Good skin care routine and wash my hair, I also trim my eyebrows from time to time and wear earrings šŸ˜ oh and a nose ring!

  7. Drink a lot of water. I honestly dont try to enhance my appearance, I just try to be healthy. If Im not pretty, well…

  8. I mean, not counting hygiene and skincare? Nothing.

    Iā€™m not a houseplant; I donā€™t exist to look pretty for people.

  9. I was rather cranky when I could no longer wear contact lenses so I got eyeliner tattooed on to enhance my eyes somewhat. Several years later I stopped bothering wearing any makeupā€¦and rationalize that I am wearing eyeliner. Mental games, but worked for me.

  10. My nails. I canā€™t see my own face unless Iā€™m looking in a mirror. But I can see my own nails/use my hands constantly. I make sure my nails are always done.

  11. I wash my hair on a regular basis.

    That’s it.

    Also, like they say in the movie Annie, “You’re Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile”

  12. Skin care. Skin care. Skin care.

    Instead of spending what I spent on makeup in my younger days, I pivoted to lotions, creams, collagens, and wrinkle reducers. My skin is healthier at soon-to-be 33 than it was at 23. Oh, and probably the most understated key to keeping your skin healthy, sunscreen. Protect yourself!

  13. I hate the feel of makeup on my face. Clean skin, clean hair and a healthy diet. I guess Iā€™m a low maintenance woman.

  14. Skin care routine, moisturize! & lift weights, I say this is a small thing bc it seriously only takes a 15 min circuit a day to make a difference

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